October 26, 2010
I've nearly made holes in all my school bags, so I knew it was time for a new one. And here it is. After a long search, I discovered YesStyle. The bag isn't genuine leather, but the form is perfect. The shoulder strap is also removable and can be attached to the back, transforming the bag into a backpack. So I purchased it. Right afterwards I visited La Garçonne and saw this Vanessa Bruno Athé bag.

Argh! Now I feel a bit played. Upon further inspection, the bags aren't completely identical, the latter being slouchier and adorned with more tassels. In fact, I'm liking the structured version more. It's just interesting to see two bags with very different form and mood, but one is clearly being inspired by the other. I can't wait until I get my paws on my baggie.
i am so obsessed with trolling yes style for bags too. they are one of my sponsors and i get a monthly allowance and never know what to get! the quality of their faux leathers are surprisingly really good!

they remade a version of that alex wang leopard bag i tote around all the time...it's not nearly as good. not even close, but hey! no one else is on ball to rip it off! omg. i just read back on what i wrote and realized that it's going to get very tangential...like NOW. i'm going to stop. yay to yesstyle!


Really great pick!

ooohhh quite amazing... a satchel bag is also on my wishlist! :D

Animated Confessions

Oh the bag is amazing!! Judging from reviews, there seems to be a lot of things on Yesstyle with poor quality, so you should be careful!

xx The Little Dust Princess

Beautiful bag. Can't wait to see pics of you with it!


I would love that bag! Perfection!


Gorgeous! I haven't bought any bag for a while now... Gotta do something about it! :o)


Oh my! How lovely! This is the kind of bag you will wear for the rest of your life...so classy!


I love this bag! It's perfect for heavy books and being classy on college:)

woooooow, its love by first sight !

I'm completely head over heels for this!

October 23, 2010
Last week we drove to downtown New Bedford for Calico's 5th year anniversary soirée. We partied under massive whale skeletons suspended from the ceiling. Between sips of wine and bites of tapas, we were treated to a preview of Calico's Fall lookbook, select vintage looks from the store, and a presentation of Selah D'or's FW 2010 collection. Mass is stepping up its game. Watch out!
i know this is a fashion post, but WHALES!!!!!!!!!!!! what an awesome venue!!!!

That venue is unreal. Absolutely in love with the decor! Fantastic, and dang those models look fantastic <3!

Thanks, Sophia! I'm so glad you came :)

Wonderful :)

wow i really like it!

please visit



What a cool setting!

to have those whales above is so rad !

the decor is amazing!


nice pictures..!

I love the new design and that you're posting again!

Incredible venue! Presentation looks fab too x


these shots are amazing! great blog and fashion sense!

GOOOD photos, me like. xx

ugh wish i could have been there...

Thanks for such a great post and the review, I am totally impressed!

oh man! looks like so much fun! im really liking some of those pieces



October 18, 2010
I can already foresee all the possibilities with my new camel coat. I wouldn't be surprised if I start wearing permutations of this outfit everyday until it gets too cold to do so. So, noticed any changes around here? Today I decided to roll out a redesign--Phosphene Version 2.0. The redesign isn't complete (some links are non-functional), so really this is more like a "beta." Lots of changes will be happening, so keep your eyes peeled!


H&M coat and blouse, Salvatore Ferragamo Vara shoes, vintage leather shorts

Congratulations on this overhaul! It looks amazing, minimalistic chic just like you :) I'm lovin' the simplicity of this look, that camel coat is beautiful <3!

Absolutely perfect outfit. Nice clean layout too, well done :) x

i love the new layout! and i lovveee ur outfit! glad ur back to bloggin more :)



This is a true minimalism which I totally adore, but will probably never learn to wear myself... You look stunning!


Your new layout is very suitable for what you post!

You make me want something camel or nude colour now...

Such a simple, beautifully put together outfit as always.

so chic! love this look!

tres tres cguc


you look so elegante !

for a doctor (?) you sure know alot about webdesign ahhaha loooooooooooooooove the new site :D
and yaaaaaaaaaay youre back!

so chic, love this!

great outfit!love your blog


wow I absolutely love your coat! this whole outfit is great! :)


I just got a camel coat too and I totally know how you feel about wanting to wear variations of the same outfit over and over. Such a coat just makes everything look so chic. I love your coat, it's so clean cut and goes perfectly with a button down shirt - nicely combined!

the new layout looks great and i couldnt be more jealous of that camel coat!

love the new layout!!! wish i knew how to code too =(
i tried on the smallest size they had for that camel coat, and still no luck. whhhy must i be so tiny. you look gorgeous in it.


The new design looks gr8 so far! Very simple and classic. Look forward to see the final product. :-)

can definitely see that camel coat being worn a lot this season!! totally versatile, classy and chic! :D

Animated Confessions

i'm pretty much going to be living in my new topshop camel coat this winter too! i've already worn it with a velvet tee and denim, and black leather skinnies. now i think i need to wear it like you did, with leather shorts and a white blouse, because you look INCREDIBLE.

Simple and elegant look...and I love a good, clean layout!


Soooo chic, I love it!

Absolutely loving the new look! And your outfit is super chic, very simple and classic.

Love the new lay-out, Sophia :)

I love how clean and crisp your outfit is.
Wonderful look for the season.

I really love this outfit!!

you're looking simply chic and gorgeous!!! :D

I want that could so so badly, somehow I haven't seen it in the Netherlands...

insane camel coat!

I definitely missed out on obtaining a camel coat for this fall but I'll just live vicariously through you and all the other fantastic women who have one :)

those ferragamo low pumps are so simple and really polish your look! really one of my favorite outfits of yours

October 11, 2010

I've been completely obsessed with the Dries Van Noten Fall 2010 collection for an unhealthy number of months, so when it came time to select a few pieces for Fall and Winter, I found myself gravitating towards military, khaki, and skirts with hemlines that dropped below the knee. One of the items I selected was this washed-out olive-y skirt. And how nifty is it? The length is magical (meaning it hides, what I believe, the ugliest part of the female body, including mine--KNEES!) and the massive pockets are the closest I've come to wearing cargo pants in skirt form. I can easily hide some change, my cellphone, sunnies and a couple of snacks for the road. These are all very good things.

In other news, I've been mocking up some redesigns for this site and have decided on one. It'll be coded up in no time. It's a cleaner and classier aesthetic that I hope you'll enjoy. In terms of content, I'm pushing to update more, not specifically outfit posts (I'm feeling a bit 'been-there-done-that' with those), but with design projects, general inspiration, and tutorials. Trust me, you don't want to see more outfit posts with my mug. They'll end up something like this: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (when I'm feeling especially audacious). FUN.
love love love everything about this outfit!

ha, i would love to see you rock some jungle-themed scrubs!

glad you're back, though i wish you'd credit your items (so that when you say "vintage top, vintage skirt") i can shake my fist in the air out of frustration that i can't obtain the same.

now you have me ultra-conscious about my knees. which i don't love either, but now i'm thinking about them...

hi you! yay an update! i'm excited to see what you do with the new site. I'm saving up my pennies to simplify mine as well. looking forward to seeing your new projects and future diys!!!!
hope ur doing welllll :)

@koko jungle-themed scrubs, roar! i totally for...

jungle-themed scrubs, roar!

i totally forgot crediting my items. unfortunately, the sunnies and the blouse are both vintage finds. the skirt, however, is h&m.

sorry about the knee thing :/ i just had to say, because mine feel bashful from time to time. ankles are tricky, too, but don't get me started...

Love your skirt, and your heels!
I hate my knees too, well not a big fan of my legs in general really haha.

Great outfit, Sophia! Lurrrve those weird 90's-looking shoes! Please can we do a shoot soon?? :)


i love a good set of pockets! love the outfit.


thanks elissa! a shoot? you name the place and time, let's do it! x.

The huge skirt actually draws emphasis to how tiny your waist looks which is always a fantastic trait in a skirt I think! I love the pumps, are they vintage too?

That shoulder detail is lovely.

woaw lady love the skirt!!!! stunning!

The skirt is beautiful. I am obsessed with Dries van Noten, as well, and so happy to see you rocking the style here! And I cannot wait to see more posts on here!


your blouse is beautiful!! :D

It matches so well with your skirt and pumps :)

and have a nice week!

Girl, you look gorgeous! As much as I love the mini, this skirt length is just divine on you, and I am loving the detail on that blouse!

wow you look so so beautiful! LOVE this look! :)


I would probably creep into your closet at night and steal that gorgeous skirt. . . and maybe those heels..!! I love!

That skirt is all kinds of wonderful (as is this entire outfit). Can't wait to see what you have in store for the site!

I agree with one of the previous comments, this skirt is worth creeping into your closet, whatever the consequence... ;o) Love it!


Love the skirt and the detail on the sleeve all with the chunky shoes :)
I don't think knees are that bad, I think their cousin, feet, might give knees a very good run for their money at times.
All I do at work is look at people's knees, feet, hands etc, and knees are so sleek and organised!! But there's some crazy feet out there!

i LOVE Your shoes, ohmy they are so eprfect !

You are back!

The sleeves of your blouse is aesome!!

Looking forward to your new post!

the application on your shoulders- stunning one!

What.a.skirt <333 You look fab

I love the last picture especially, how it makes your skin underneath look, and I also love your hair, and the big pockets.

personally I don't like the shoes that much, bur the rest of the outfit is pure perfection! the colors, the shapes... the details... all perfect!

That skirt is so good! Color & pockets are amazing :) I love shoulder details too!
Can't wait to see the changes!

perfect skirt!

beautiful outfit, the skirt is amazing!


The detail on your sleeves...I die! And that skirt...love the length and giant pockets - you could easily carry a hamster or a small critter in there!


I think it's a testament to your style that there is absolutely no way I can picture you in scrubs. Though those last ones are particularly fetching ;)

love the shirt and bag!


delicious skirt! i loove it with those shoes ans blouse :-)

what a perfect outfit and a majorly amazing skirt and top :) beautiful!

Classy! That's a great vintage blouse! Can't wait to see the new layout! :D

this look is so chic! that skirt is wonderful and love the combo with that shirt!
Great blog! <3


aahhh amazing skirt!! i totally love the color and the pockets!!! so wonderful for fall! :D

Animated Confessions

This look is amazing! The utilitarian feel of the skirt mixed with that gothic, yet ultra-femme blouse? Perfection!

Agreed - knees suck!

x Antonia


ahh welcome back sophia! god you look amazing as always. i'll be dreaming of that lace shirt and how good it looks with your skirt and shoes. and if you do pare down on outfit posts, please give us at least one a week. pretty please? :)
xoxo caylee

I've missed your outfit posts!!! So refreshing to see chicness again :) Great outfit, LOVe the top!!


seriously, you are one of my all time favourite bloggers. update with your outfits as frequently as you can :DD! love both your photography and outfits

f ashioncont a gious

you're beautiful, your blog entries are beautiful too! keep on making these great posts! take care and have a good day:-)

checkout/follow my blog at:


very gorgeous! that blouse is amazing and the skirt, too!!

you just made me feel like running to h&m and buying that skirt! if they still have it. i don't know when you bought it... would that be completely copycatting?? i love this look! :)


where can I buy that top!? Who makes it?

October 4, 2010

I'm back in Boston! It feels like I have never left but also like I have been away for ages. Coming back has been very bittersweet. I feel fully awake again and ready to conquer, but I've left so many new friends and memories in Florida, too. Here's a quick photo log of a day in Boston. Missing all of you!

Photos: Me in H&M trench, Salvatore Ferragamo Vara's, scalloped blazer, the huge pile of WWDs I'll be catching up on, coffee from one of my favorite places in the South End, and lunching at home.
I've missed your photography! I'm lovin' the simplicity of your outfit, I find myself constantly coming back and looking at your photos for inspiration :) Don't leave us again <3!

ah, i have miss you blog post ! im glad that you have returned to boston !

yayyy you're back!

You look great, fantastic shoes and jacket!!


You look fabulous, great pics as well!

Where have you been girl? I look forward to reading more on here.


I love Flour!! Welcome back.

Glad you're back! I love those ferragamos!

good to have you back!..and now, you´re making me hungry again :D

so glad you're back! love the outfit and gotta say you look stunning- all these photos are greatness!
hope youre having a good week dear


Glad to read & see you again!

So nice to see you and your beautiful pictures again!


You look so classy! :) Glad to see you're back!

oh god yes yer alive! i always check out on u! mwahhh
miss u
abig "i miss yu"

Stunning outfit!
You look great :)
XO Veronica
hopefully you stop by!
my passion for fashion blog

Love the phots. Glad you're back, and I love your outfit.

love the varas! I miss boston, i just moved away =(

Love your blog...

hiiiii where have u been?? busy with school probably :) that little salad looks so precious! reminds me...it's time for lunch!!! hope everything is well on ur side of the pond!

yay you're back in beantown! i love what you're doing with the Varas :D

Looking good! I love the pics, very inspirational!

what beautiful photos! just found your blog...looks great!


I LOVE SO MUCH YOUR BLOG! so happy to find it ;) you have amazing style!


You have a lovely blog. I used to have relatvies in Boston. I'll be back there in November. xD


I love the shoes. Oh...now I have to go and search it.

you're looking great... great layers in your outfit! :D

glad to see you're back.. :D

Animated Confessions

wow that outfit is gorgeous! you look so elegant and classy :)
& mmm spinach salad with salmon ontop? yum!