
January 12, 2010

Another pair of shoes to add to the collection, but I'm sure this one wins in the "most lethal" department. I wore them out a few times already and people's eyes instantly drift to my feet. I also managed to impale my own feet a few times...ouch. I'm making a very convincing case to try this DIY out, right?

amazing !! nicely done!

Omg these are amazing!!!! They are a great DIY alternative to the Louboutin pair that I reckon will cost you an arm and a leg (versus a bloody finger or two). What kind of shoe did you use here? Was it relatively thin?

so stunning my love!

Those are amaaazing!!! Love them! Ooo and they double as a weapon - double sweet!

SO cool! :D
But how do you bend the ends of the studs / use the plier at the deepest point? Can you reach it?

ps. I think I'm becoming obsessed over how good your diy's are. Never seen them executed better and with more originality!

Amazing! These look like they were professionally-made. I'd love to try something like this, but I'd be terrified of ruining the shoes.

Sooo cool. Remind me of the loubs sooo much. Must try thiss!

Sexy. I like how it has studs on the side too. Very dangerous :p


so cool!

Amazing shoes, these are so cool! Well done :)

Simply amazing!

If that's their effect, then i need a pair just like them :)

haha, that's so funny.. people probably think you bought them as a weapon! come to think of it, they kind of are.. and i love them!

Duuude (dudess?) love that you put the studs in a glass cup. You know, here was me thinking studs and spikes are going out but i don't think that'll happen in a long time when you're coming out with diys like this. I love youu <3 (Oh btw, I'm wearing the craaaaaap out of your preety spikes+bedazzle necklace but never seem to get the opportunity to photograph it, its kinda sad. Well, just in case you're wondering :P)

sweet. after seeing studded louboutin flats i really wanted to stud some of my owns shoes.
now to find the right ones...

lol... I kind of missed out on the "bend the prongs fully inward" last time I studded one of my shoes.. not to be recommended!!

i love it, you do the best "lethal" diy's! =)

Love this! This is so cool, I want to do a DIY too, but never have done anything with studs before! Maybe I should start, love your DIYS!


im glad i stopped by tonight.. you've inspired me.. going out to jazz up some pieces right now!

Nice! Great DIY :)

those are awesome

Those, are way too freaking fantastic! Thanks for posting a DIY ;) Need to add some to my to-do list <3

i keep saying ever DIY you do is the best ever. This takes the cake. Holy shit. I prefer yours to the loubies.

These are so rad!

so freakin' amazing. you are the best at diy projects!

these are soo amazing, i love them! :)

I thought about diy-ing a pair of these awhile back! But then I forgot about it and moved on to a handful of other unfinished project. Sigh. Such is the way I suppose. I'm really liking how you did yours!

so badass!!!!
it would be so shocking for some people who dont care much about fashion to see you around wearing that!!! you have such an angelic face and yet your shoes are so ready for battle!! haha!!! i love it!!! :D you're cool!

I think you're a big inspiration to all of us. I want to see you wearing them ;)

So cool! Who needs mace..when you got these!

Killer shoes! Can't wait to see you rockin' them. xx

Ohhh so awesome! Really cool I wanna try this! xx

Your so creative! I really like reading stuff like this <3

i want! must figure out how to make these

awesome, will definately try on my old loafers! real creative stuff here thanks!

i wanna buy, so yes!

very louboutin! going to gather up some studs right now!

really,thanks for your comment and i love the shoes. you could sell your creations, i would buy them!!xoxox

so kewl! Love all your DIY posts :)

Wow! Gorgeous <3

i'll never be able to do something like that, and it is probably why I read your blog almost every day . You're so talented and inspiring.
C'est magnifique !

oh my, great job!! Love them :) I only discovered your blog recently, but boy do I love it, great DIY's!

Wow I love these shoes, such a great DIY! I recently discovered your blog and it is fantastic, all of your DIYs look so professional and the photography is great too.

I hope you don't mind but I loved your embellished tights so much that I used them in an inspiration post (of course I linked back to you) and am planning to make some before winter begins in Australia.


Absolutely love this DIY! The loafers are on a whole new level.

xo, Becs

nice shoe! your very creative. i like that.

I noticed your blog post, you really love punk rock styles and outfits. You are very innovative to have thought of putting spikes on these shoes.

Love this! You are so creative! The best tutorials!!


completely in love with these ! I may have to use that tutorial to make my own :) thank you.
xoxo - clm

Those are amazing. I must put it on my diy to do list.

i was wondering if....if it would be at all possible...for you to make another one of those lovely, absolutely stunning white sheer-feather shirts? i've adored it ever since laying eyes on it. i'd try to make my own, however i'm a single mom of a 5-year-old, which equals no time for DIY. i would be more than happy to buy it.
my birthday is friday! yay.
i'll be 26, ugh.

cool looks but doesn't it itches on the leg..??? I doubt it. certificate iv

January 10, 2010

The Christopher Kane x Topshop alligator tee is ubiquitous, worn by fashion insiders, outsiders and everyone in between. I purchased mine the instant it hit stores but consequently grew too discouraged to wear it anywhere outdoors fearing I'd look like another sheep in the Christopher Kane flock. I guess I worry too much. This is what happens to all good and beautiful things. So I wear my alligator tank indoors while lounging around eating pistachios and catching up on my magazines. Stylish afternoons, indeed.
it's bizarre this collective conscious we have now about fashion, isn't it? i feel the same about the whole rodarte for target line. i love what i bought, but when i see a girl on the street or on another blog with the identical dress, i have a weird repulsion, yet i'm also oddly cosmically connected to her.

YAY!!!! I kind of love it!

woo woo! looks sooo amazing on u!

i know what you mean. i resist wearing popular items with that same fear.

your apartment is gorgeous. any chance of an apartment tour in photos or videos one day?

yayayay! i'm still lusting over christopher k...

i'm still lusting over christopher kane's gorilla tees and his new atomic bomb ones. damn $$$

p.s. what settings do you put on your camera to take pictures? these ones are so crisp and clear and bright!

@ Alice i know, christopher kane really knows how...
@ Alice

i know, christopher kane really knows how to get to us.

my dslr is set to take RAW images some of the time so i can tweak settings afterwards, too. the lighting was especially good that day and the f-stop was pretty high from what i remember.

Stylish and comfortable afternoons!

ur apartment looks so nice :D
u look good and comfortable wearing that outfit :)

You look wonderful and so comfortable!

cute i love it!!

Gorgeous! :)

Looks amazing!

Your apartment is so sweeeeeeeet. I just die every time I see you in it. It's perfect for you - minimal and full of life.


I gotta say I'm one of those many that own the ubiquitous Christopher Kane tee. I bought it the first day the collection arrived in the store. Luckily for me...I may be the only person in Vancouver to own one....most ppl think it's just a cool silk screen......little do they KNOW!!! Bwahah.

And there ain't nuthin wrong with doubling up purposes of your faves. I sleep in a lot of my looser clothes :)


i know what u mean! I had a beautiful leopard coat, but i sold it the minute i saw everyone was wearing one :s

Oh, don't do that! It gorgeous! But, I guess, I have to agree with you on not wanting to wear something everyone else is wearing... I did the same a year ago :S

You look so gorgeous! And that tank is super cute; definitely trumps what i wear indoors haha. is that your new flat? can't see a lot of it, but i love the clean and chic look of it!

hi dear. i have that one in a dress. i have not seen anybody in "real life" in it so i dont really care about the fact that everyone has it. but if i buy an item i love from some of the stores like h&m i some times wait a year to wear it so that not everybody has the same item on.. if you just wait a year not that many will be wearing it. i Love that dress and i cant wait for spring to wear it with boots and jeanshorts..

your look is beautiful! and even your taste in interior design is wonderful: I love that collection of vintage glasses and bottles arranged in that way on the windowsills ... simple, straightforward but very effective, fantastic!

You look stunning, but that is precisely why I very rarely buy anything that is the hight street 'must buy' for the season. If its a 'must buy' then so many people WILL BUY it and it kinda takes away the whole point of it? Don't you think?

yer so cute.. i bet it would make a good pyjama too! hehe


I think it's a bit worse with these "it" items that are instantly recognizable, but honestly... I'd rather buy something I really want even if EVERYONE and their mother is going to have it as well. Why place that regret in your life? :P


i love kane!!

check out my blog - i write about him on there!


January 8, 2010

One of my new year's resolutions was to wear less black. Clearly, I am already failing on day 7. Pat on the back. But I'm not too bothered by this. It's classic, effortless, and energy efficient. You're probably wondering what the latter even means. Y'know, black absorbs sun rays and heat, and on these inhumanely cold days I could use as much of this sun-basking ectothermic / poikilothermic action I can. Excuses excuses.

The faux fur vest I'm wearing here has been a recent favourite of mine--it has more or less assumed the role of second skin. Based on how long winters last here, I started thinking of more of these furry investments. The immediate images that popped into my head were the Martin Margiela wig coats from as early as 1995. The Spring 2009 reiteration was genius. I'm so fascinated by it, that I'm certain if I do purchase another furry (or hairy) piece of outerwear it'd be as disturbing as Margiela's. Perfectly put by SHOWstudio, "it is an adornment which repels and yet, oddly, manages to seduce."

Now, where on earth would I be able to purchase a piece like this? Naturally, my DIY mind started envisioning solutions, the Fashematics way.

Do I have the guts to purchase bagfuls of black wigs to wear on my shoulders? Maybe on a day when I'm more caffeinated and feeling more heroic.

i currently live in boston. or do you mean where i'm originally from?

Gorgeous, I love the texture :) You could definitely pull off the wigs on the shoulders! It'd be an easy DIY <3

Hi Sophia!
Great coat! (Maybe not do the full-on wigs on the shoulders thing?? Scale it back a little and reinterpret so you can wear the piece for a few more seasons? Just a thought!)

Anyway, I nominated you for a Beautiful Blogger award - check it out here:

Keep the great & fashionable posts coming!

Never stop wearing black, it suits you....beautiful


i think the wigs go a little to far for me. I love your vest though, and those shoes are amazing!

The fur looks amazing on you!

Love love the furry vest that you have with those boots! And girl,even if you wear black alot still. I'll always love love your amazing style.

I did a shoutout to you on my blog a few days back heeeee

i lovvee ur fur vest, so gorgeous! i love wearing lots of black too, it's always so chic!! u look amazing here :)


Now, why would you wear less black? I love black - it goes with everything! And it makes my eyes pop ^^,

I love it, please make the DIY, it's brillant!

love this outfit! you have the most beautiful clothes.

I'm actually currently hunting for some black wigs to attach to the shoulders of an elastic cage dress I made... not sure where I'm going to wear it, even in crazy Oxford, but you know!

Oh I love that vest!

I can imagine why you broke your resolution, black is great! Love your look!

so genius i love it cant wait to see what you come up with:)xxscisi

This outfit is amazing, this faux fur and your boots are stunning!! You got such an amazing style <3

Woot! You should go for it!

aaahh!!! i love fashematics!!!!!
i'd love to see you wear those wigs.. even just for fun! D:

@ Anonymous 2:13am

the shoes are from s. korea. i bought them off ebay. i double-checked on the seller, and i don't think the store is open anymore. booo

@ Valencia

aw thanks sweetie. btw, i really like the new look of your blog. it's ultra-clean and puts more emphasis on all your pretty photos and outfits. woo woo.

@ libys11 YES. i love fashematics. as of late, my...
@ libys11

YES. i love fashematics. as of late, my obsessive guilty pleasures have been a combination of bad k-pop + the oatmeal + fashematics.

i love your black outfits! you have such an amazing personal style!xx


aha gotcha. i was born in shanghai but grew up here in the states.

love your outfit. and about the margiela hair.. it is over the top- and i would too have to be more than a wee bit drunk to diy something similar,.. but you go ahead-cuz i wanna see! hehe
take care and have a great weekend.
xx ediot

Baha, same here with the guilty pleasures. I didn't know many other people new about the oatmeal xD he's so funny.
And yeah..i remember when I was obsessed with k-pop too..especially DBSK hahaha.

I totally think you could do a detachable wig jacket and then you could wear it with a bunch of different colored wigs. Haha, maybe a little much.

hey came across your outfit => blog on chictopia,love your style!
i'm a big fan of Margiela as well, especially there's this one pair of black sock-looking boots i'm lusting over, unfortunately they're too expensive...
anyways, just wanted to say hi!


I really love your fur top but really hate the wig thing, its a little weird and creepy!

I'd love to see you do a wig jacket DIY! If anyone and do it, it's you.

Your all black ensemble is beautiful, you look so chic and cozy.

i think if anyone could pull this off, it would have to be you. do it! i want to see pictures. also hey thank you so much for your book reccomendations, i have been wanting to read sarte forever but i never knew where to begin. i did enjoy camus very much, the stranger was one of my favorite reads last year and i'm looking forward to re-reading it in 2010.

i love the fur :)

and those wigs are crazy! haha


OH MY GOD that wig coat is my current project!!! I ordered the wigs the other day

Ok....this is a DIY I've been dying to do too! I know a girl that works in one of those salons that only sells hair pieces and have been tempted to put it together. I suck at sewing/construction so it's been on the back burner....let me know if you go ahead and do it! I'd love some instructions :)

oh yayyy those boots. i rmb sha wanted them and she soo should've got them. sooo cool!!! and wig coats?? hmm a bit too fraeky for me lol gives me the heebeejeebees!!

happy (belated) newyear! I don't mind you going wrong with your resolutions, you look so inspiring wearing black! love your shoes. now go get some coffee and buy a bag full of wigs to wear on your shoulders, I'm sure you will rock it!

@ Ilse i absolutely love the conviction you speak...
@ Ilse

i absolutely love the conviction you speak with. you've nearly convinced me to go do that right now. perhaps i will give this a real try.



love the fur!!!!
A M A Z I N G.


I will never tire of all black outfits. It's so classic, classy, neat and sexy. I love your fur vest too!

Loving the outfit :)
A propos hair pieces... I'm about to pull out my black coat.

surprenantes les photos mais j'adore..quel effet

absolutely gorgeous!

i say just do the wig thing!

January 6, 2010

I'm pleased to announce the winner of the leather disc cardigan is entry #121, Maike from Unicorn Elegance!

To the other readers who stopped by and said hello, I just want to say a huge thanks. I wasn't expecting such a warm response--big hugs and kisses to all of you. I hope that you will be back in the future as I enjoy reading all of your blogs and comments. Love.

So I was thinking we could turn this into an interactive post. What are some DIYs you've been thinking of trying? Post a link or share an image. Maybe we can all together help each other with suggestions (where to find the supplies, techniques, etc)!

Image source: Vogue China, July 2009, photographed by Camilla Akrans
Congratulations :)!

I've recently been wanting to DIY a zipper necklace

in re: Jess heart in re:
Jess heart
Etsy has zippers to get you started on your necklace. Good luck!

Congrats, Maike!

I've been wanting to make a Granny Square sweater that's all long and drapey. I don't have a pic - just an image in my head (making it a bit harder!)

Congrats to Maike!
I think...a tulle skirt with attached suspenders would be kool. For a light, spring theme it could be a light turquoise shade and pastel coloured buttons attached to the suspenders.
For a darker theme, the skirt could be a rich, dark red, with black rope braided together to form the suspenders.
I just gave myself quite a few ideas haha.
Love your blog!


Oh goodness! I wish I entered the contest. That cardigan is gorgeous.

@ Jess & Auburn Not Red

gotta love YKK. i was thinking about it a bit more and you can really get fun experimenting with different colour schemes, like pastel pinks, eggshell blue and sea foam greens for a spring-appropriate necklace -->

also, chunky vintage zippers might be pretty too.

@ Wallflower

ah, both sound divine. i can see the frothy tulle of the first and the dark romanticism of the second. try both! for the darker one, some ideas from acne:

i want mirrors in my oxfords!!!! i saw it one of the posts of liz if im correct (

I really, really want to DIY a pair of boots... from scratch. It's been pretty impossible to get much information on how, though!

dang it! lol! ur giveaway was amazing! congrats to maike! :)


Ive been wanting to do a DIY necklace I saw on but when I went to Michael's they had a crappy selection of chains....I think maybe Ill use some of my old ones.

I'm an absolute DIY freak - currently trying to work out how I can make a Zana-style leather harness, and making my 3-hole dress in some other fabrics...

congrats to Maike! thank you always for doing such great projects and being such an inspiration. i look forward to reading your blog this year!

Nice to see these diy ideas! :)
And will you also be making similar cardis for sale? Because it is out of this world!

I wanna make jersey maxi dresses, and long skirts with draping!
Happy new year!


Congratulations to Maike, it's a beautiful cardi.

I'm knitting a little cardi for myself now, and I want to try making a tulle vest with layers of ruffles all over. Would love some colour suggestions from everyone else!

congrats maike! super jealous!
My next diy is a plain tee, but I'm hoping to get one of the engineers at uni to let me use the laser cutters in the labs to cut a really clean 'trees-at-night' silhouette around the neckline. it'd be a nice change from my usual uniform of scoop necks or shirts! x

Probably finish the jeans I'm ripping and painting and finish the tee I'm shredding for this project I'm doing. The project is re-designing the four main characters of wizard of oz, I'm making everything with the end result being a photoshoot...

your DIYs are so inspirational. everything you've ever made is so quality. i really admire that

I just finished making a skirt that was inspired by this
I made if out of leftover red velvet and some matching braided trim.
I also now have a studded, shredded white shirt :)
Now, I'm working on a DIY version of the burberry draped skirt (like the one on style hurricane), except with sheer purple floral fabric.

leather anklet cuffs. I have been looking to get into DIY ankle wear for the spring summer but not sure how they might look. any suggestions?

love this blog!
I cannot believe you made that cardigan! so inspirational.

I bought some fabric with the intent of making a sew-less kind of drapey vest. It'll require some precise cutting with a very sharp pair of scissors. The fabric has been sitting around for a while and I need to get moving soon.

I also want to resume designing jewelry with mixed materials (i.e. fabric, beads, stones, chains, recycled plastic) and based on mathematical and scientific themes/patterns. Just gotta find time to carry out the ideas...

I've been thinking about making diy leather arm warmers! As inspired by TheDivinitus :) I don't know how to begin though so far as where to get good leather that's relatively inexpensive.

what a great blog! i <3 it!

i am having a silly little give-a-way on my site - take a peek!

i am obsessed with these margiela leather gloves that divinitus is wearing here (she wears them so well!):

there seems to be a good selection of fingerless, elbow-length gloves on eBay, but i might have to sew them to make them fit snugly and cut out the thumb part.

Congrats to the winner! I wish I could do more DIY's, but lately I haven't had the time to do any! I did however find some nice ones over at COS: (click on 'things', then scroll down)


January 2, 2010

New giveaway finally up! After an embarrassingly long time, I've mustered up the energy to complete this leather disc cardigan that I first started here. Many moons, wrinkles, red fingers and strained eye muscles later, it's done done done--please pardon me as I cackle out of delight, muahaha. Putting this together was as straightforward as it could get, but it was the grunt work that really did me in. I decided to pair it today with some silk trousers (which I altered in a rush), Jil Sanders, and a sheer tank.

Let's do a giveaway!

Leave a comment on this post and I'll select one on Tuesday, January 5th at 8pm. I'll announce the winner on my Twitter, so be sure to follow. Finally, stop by my Bloglovin' so not to miss any new posts!

Disco meets Hells Angels. Stunner!

crazy effort! a beautiful finish

WOW that cardigan is truly amazing!

soft x hard, lovely mix in a cardi!

Love this cardigan<3 I cant believe you giving it away after all that hard work! amazing give away:)

ooh pick me pick me! always love ur DIYs. happy new year!

the hard work paid off. it's lovely!

very cool jacket :)

This is amazing.

beneaththestarscape at gmail dot com

Awesome cardigan !
I send you my wishes for an
*Aceness Year 2010*

Kisses from Paris,
x x x

PS : Ack I forgot !
My email is mathyld {at} gmail {dot} com

this cardi is so much better than the topshop one! excellent work..

the result looks great!

holy moley that looks amazing.

I'd love to see that cardigan in motion. I too can't believe your giving it away... What pleasurable aesthetic.

this piece is amazing.
it must be hard to part with it.

it turned out wonderful!!

What a perfect Bday present to have (January Baby). such an amazing cardi to set off my new year. Here goes nothing. Love your DIY's. Seriously considering doing my own to save money on shopping and a good way to want to look different from the average fashion trend. Thanks!
Contact (if I win):

this is WAYYY too amazing.

Holy Crap, Thats amazing!

That is so amazing! You did an excellent job on that cardigan and I absolutely loooove it! That is something I could never do :(.


i can't believe you're giving this away after all that hard work! it's gorgeous...kinda like scales or paillettes, but not :)

that is beyond gorgeous!!!!

btw, hope you don't mind me adding you up in my blog links.. thanks!

This is beautiful. I recently discovered your blog and i love your style and all the diys. Keep up the awesome work!

That is gorgeous!

Wow! Now that's dedication.

Seriously awesome piece!

I'd be honored to wear it :}


holy crap. that's amazinggg! loveee it! please enter me. :) happy new year!


LOVELY cardigan, honestly, lovely!

Leather never looked so good! GREAT DIY! PS Pick me!

beautiful cardigan. I absolutely love your blog!! XO, Amber Danese


That is so gorgeous!

awesome job, my fingertips started aching when I saw the cardigan, then my hand cramped up when you said you had to cut all the circles out by hand!

how. fuckingmazingly. beautiful. and fresh!
this will definitely make those awful new england winters more stylish :)


just knowing that someone put so much effort and love into making this jacket makes me want it even more! pick me! :)

me me me me me!!! :-)

i think you need a trip to m&j trim on 6th ave. in manhattan. if i recall correctly, they have large leather circles. if i didn't recall correctly, they were probably large sequin circles... in any case, you'll find lots of great stuff for d.i.ys.

@koko i actually passed m&j today! i didn...

i actually passed m&j today! i didn't go in though. it'll definitely be on my agenda next time and save myself the blistered fingers in the future haa

Oh wowee, this is definitely a great DIY! :) So chic and ah, just love the texture!

U are crazy talented!! The cardi is amazing <3

Gorgeous, the texture and everything is just astonishing. I remember seeing this in the makings oh-so many moons ago and I was in awe. Excellent job, the result is fantastic :)

Wow! That jacket is just somethin' else!! It's fabulous!
laura gerencser at roadrunner dot com

holy crap this is beautiful! how could you spend so much time on something this fantastic and then give it away? I appreciate!

AMAZING CARDIGAN!!! I love the creativity :-) //

awesome possum

Must've been really tedious..I can only imagine. The result is awesome though! Great work!

P.S. You're beautiful :)

gorgeous! Count me in

liis177 at gmail dot com

Love all your DIY project!! Very inspiring!!! XxX

o wow, isnt that the most gorgeous and one-of-a-kind cardigan ever made?? YES IT IS! i would love to win this DIY for my birthday in 3 weeks :D:D:D:D:D:D

The jacket is amazing! You are so talented girl!

I'm really in love with it! (if you pick me... pls?)

Ooooo i love it!!!

That's beautiful! Lovely work, I always procrastinate with DIY projects. Love it!


Gorgeous, gorgeous, and gorgeous! I still can't believe you cut out all the circles plus all the smaller circles. Well persistence paid off in this uniquely concentric leather dangle cardi!

Ah it's so generous of you to give away your "baby" like that. I wouldn't if I were you :/
I love the jacket and would pay good money for it. Hopefully I'm lucky this time round :)

hey dear. deathbyplatforms from Chictopia here. oh my goodness! you're a genius! this DIY is awesome...i love it! and i love the trousers and pumps! love the styling. i hope i get picked. but wait, will you be able to ship to the Philippines? :)

you can also reach me thru my blog:

EEEK! i love it, count me in! :)


Wow! I can't believe you put all that time and work into this stunning piece! (BTW...I know it's a little late by now...but you can always use a rotating leather punch tool for punching smaller holes in the leather discs-- like $15 at Jo-Ann fabrics or a leather shop. Next time!:-)

Heaven. Insanity. Drool. I would love to be lucky enough to win this, but alas, luck is not a lady for me - luck usually tends to treat me like Esteban Cortazar and his split from Ungaro. You make me want to believe in the fashion gods again!;-P

Thanks for this giveaway!
carlyjcais at hotmail dot com

Def. check out my DIY's on my blog if you get a chance!

i love that you created something I have never seen before, you did a great job in executing it and it is absolutely stunning. You really create amazing DIY.

so cute! the leather gives it edge :)

thanks for giving us the opportunity to win!

That looks like mad work!! Keep on the crack, it does wonders for you! ;)

This comment has been removed by the author.

This giveaway is so cool ! You're so talented :) I've followed your twitter btw ! @beckyregina

that's amazing! you are so talented at DIY!

You continue to amaze me Sophia, with your hard-working ethic, creativity, and ability to create such wonderful pieces. Love the cardi so much!

What else can I say but...LOVE IT!
Would love to have it!

Fantastic! Looks like the cardigan from topshop.
But this one is much prettier!

Just so inspiring.

this is made of LOVE! it makes me dream.

omg your diys are always so amazing!!

wow at first when i looked at it, i was doubtful ...
at first when i looked at it, i was doubtful of how it would look on a person.
But the outcome is amazing, i love this creation.

iwantiwantiwantiwant! :DDD

wow it's awesome! I want it! :)

i sooo want it sophia :) and thinking that it took you ages and its a labor of love will be an honor for me to have a give away from you :)

puppy eyes :)

lots of love



this cardigan is so amazing! i'm totally in love with that.

Another of your DIY is featured on my blog.
Love this cardigan!!
If there was a DIY Award you definitely should win it!

I absolutely loooove this! You're amazing! I'm going to try to make the feathery white blouse tomorrow!

Aaaaw you are amazing, i love love this!!!

you are a DIY godess!

It's absolutely amazing! Man, what a great start on the new year if I won that!

I LOVE IT! It´s really awesome! You´re the official DIY-Queen!

omg i would never want to give this away!!

omg, it is amazing! Love it love it ya! :-)

If i will win this i will just have a heart attack!:)

And thanks for this great idea for DIY with leather circles!:)

That cardigan is beautiful! Even if I don't win, I'll have to tackle this myself!

It looks beautiful, you did a great job, and I'd love to win it! :)

wow...this cardi is amazing. it reminds me on a cute dress i saw at cos.

I'm speechless again Sophia.. From all your DIY's this one is definitely the most incredible! Congratilations girl.. I think i'm going to try it at home ahah!

Bug kiss and have a great 2010 ;D,

Thank you for always being so generous, and making someone feel special!

This really came out amazing! Thanks for alll the give aways!


wow.. perfect as always!!!

It looks great on you! So prettym it's almost sad to give it away! :P

i love your outfit, it's true understated chic. style icon!

pflater at g mail

Omg, I would love that cardigan! It would be perfect with my Alexander Wang bag.

That cardigan is incredible, you did a really fantastic job. Also, I love the combo of those pants and white shirt! : )

i'm so in, that's one of the most beautiful things i've seen in a long time

amazing!! i love it soooo much, it's such a great idea and you made it sooo beautiful! omg i would be so happy with this, you wouldn't believe! amazing that you have the patience to complete something like this! and you're rocking it in the picture btw! absolutly stunning!!!


It's amazing, I adore your creativity. I'm going trough your blog right now and I'm speachless. I'm here for the first time and I love it!

Gorgeous. I can't even imagine all the tedious labor involved in something like that!

jenn.werkhoven @

Aaah how amazing!! So gorgeous...

I'll hope 2010 starts good for me ;)

looks amazing on, why are you giving it away!! happy new year.

The cardigan turned out so well! I'm a fashion major and should really make more things for myself in my spare time ha, you're an inspiration!


That looks beautiful on you. You're an angel for giving it away. Are you sure you're Asian? I'm two pieces of bulgogi away from being Margaret Cho and I'd never take that cardigan off.

wow wow wow wowwww i love your diy!! you were amazing! i would never be able to do something similar...
hope to get it :))


Wauw your blog is so cool, i love the diy projects!

Wow this is amazing, you did one hell of a job :) I can't believe you're giving it away after all the work you put in it! Seriously cool, dear!
Happy New Year!

yespleasemademoiselle at hotmail dot com

love this!!

Thanks so much for the giveaway! Amazing.

me me me! :)

The cardi looks great! where do you usually buy your supplies for your projects?
Love the pants!

I saw some examples of creations with leather discs and thought it looked really cool, love how yours turned out...Can't believe you're giving this away after all that hard work, really sweet of you...

Stunning! xx

that is quite a beautiful cardigan. you put so much work into you're stunning DIYS! i love them all .. especially the jewelry.. you should have a shop! :D


I am so desperate to get any of your great-wonderfull-marvellous-unique DIY that I really don't know what to do what to say...I promise you I have been a very good girl last year and I am still waiting for my Xmas gifts.

You know I love you and love your blog!

You can contact me in my blog.


Oh it's beautiful, all the hard work has definitely paid off! :) x
- -

Your original post inspired me to try this myself, but with a deep forest green leather i found. And you're right- SO MUCH WORK INVOLVED. I also tried to hole punch the leather, haha!

Please pick me :) x

Crazy awesome. Long term lurker popping up to say how much I appreciate your blog and how inspiring it is! :)

Wow that's amaazing.. It turned out great!
My new year's resolution is to get handy on the sewing machine!!.. wish me luck and have an awesome year!

you can contact me on my twitter
or on my personal blog


i looove this cardigan! i can't believe you're giving it away after you put so much work into it.
please contact me via the comment box on the right side of the blog. thanks. (:

Kudos for getting around to finishing a half baked project - I've yet to achieve such a feat.

Extraordinary finished product, most definitely worth all the digit destroying hours you put into it. I wouldn't want to part with it!

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Ohhh I'd SO love to have this, it looks incredibly beautiful!

omg so sweet that you give it away!!!!
love your look and style i´ll totally be so happy i win this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xoxo amber

I love this beautiful top. It is so different and I cannot believe after all the work you put into it you are giving it away. Thank you so much.

this is gorgeous. like many of the other readers, i cannot believe you would give away such a beautiful piece after so much effort on your part. amazing.

Ab.So.Lute.Ly Stunning! Thanks so much for the chance to win it! asthenight at gmail dot com

Can't believe its finished now. Thought you'd given up on it lol. Looks amazing. Would love to own it!! :)

i absolutely love it! i can't believe your giving it away, but i'll gladly take it!!

It's gorgeous, love! your DIY work is always stunning.

wow! such a beautiful cardigan and a fantastically creative DIY!

ashleydfisher at

incredible diy. it looks so great on you, too!

So in love with your cardigan! The texture makes it such a special piece! Happy New Year to you! xo, Mel

All those tiny circles...I can't even imagine. It's stunning!

Ooh, yes please!

oh lovely.good to see people of real style in boston. love it (:

How completely gorgeous! I love, love it!

iamemmamusic -at-

Wow! You've done it AGAIN! Hope I win this one, because I looove it! Great job!

Wow, I love sequins, and have always wanted the perfect sequin miniskirt, but this is better!
Sequins would get folded and creased way too easily when I'm dancing ;)

love this !

You're pretty much a DIY genius. I will grovel at your feet!

dropkickintheface.xd at gmail dot com

wow! I amazed with what u've done!
it's really amazing..
Amaze with ur creativity on doing DIY.. super cool!
LOVE this!

That's amazing! I can't imagine how long that took to finish.

sundaygirl at gmail dot com

tough leather meets soft circle meets flowy cardi meets tough leather meets soft circle meets flowy cardi meets tough leather meets soft circle meets flowy cardi meets...

...perfect harmony.

another beautiful (albeit time-consuming) diy.

xx hapoom.zzz[at[]

Never seen such a unique twist on a "leather jacket" before; I love it.

you are such an inspiration!

oooooooh <3

amazing. the sophisticated nature of it, as well a...
the sophisticated nature of it, as well as the detailed form make an amazing combination. XD

Oh, oh, oh, pick me, pick me! I love that! I would wear it always! Like seriously all the time! Good work, girl!

Oh it's lovely!

it's sooo goooood!
i guess i would keep all diys by's amazing how you can give them away..but..good for us:)
it really love your style, it's so simple and colourless but still every outfit has got something special. yeah:)

love your jacket, well done, it must have been hard work!!

this would be an incredible piece to work with!!

Your cardigan is such an amazing use of leather, especially for places like the Philippines where it can get quite humid. Amazing!

<3 from Manila|

Wow! you are so talented! this is truly a piece of art!

Love it.amazing job !

I'm in !

so inventive. I like it ;)

hey thanks for your comment on my blog!
this giveaway is awesome!!!


Love it! love itttt!

chic. i want it.

i love your masterpiece, it's simply brilliant.
please please choose me!

oh my goodnesssss!!

katylou [at]

I do hope I'm not too late on this giveaway!

It looks like all your hard work paid off with this leather disc jacket because its simply stunning and surely screams attention.

Ohhhhh,it would be so lovely to have this. Psssst,and maybe you could do your own label with your upcoming DIYs. Adds that personal touch.

this cardigan is soo awesome! i'm impressed!

missmae187 at

wowowow, i'm entering this giveaway for sure!!!
i missed out on the "Romanticism" one!!!

i can't believe i only came across your blog today... man! i missed out!

with all of the hard work you put into it, you could sell it for a lot of ca$h! but you are amazing enough to give it away.

and i'm entering =)


Wonderful piece of work, thanks for having this as a giveaway so that one of us can enjoy wearing it! :)

Happy New Year!!


Hard work clearly pays off! This is gorgeous!

I want that awesome cardi...Hope you'll pick me! :)

After all the hard work, you are giving it away? You deserve it!


this is gorgeous!

Beautiful cardigan...and I appreciate the hard work you put into this!

I love the texture and easy lux look of this outfit, this has definitely encouraged me to do more DIY projects!

I'm so happy to find your blog esp one day before the deadline for this giveaway. The piece is so beautiful!

This is gorgeous! I have a bunch of leather at home, but I don't think I have the patience or the skill to pull it off. :)

The cardigan turned out amazing!!! Great work.

x Antonia

Awesome: ) I love it so much!!! Please make me win :)

this would match my specs perfectly..ok so they are aqua and black fits to anything but they so would match :* and I want to enter as well

Love your DIY's they are amazing! You are so talented. Enter me please.

a genius idea! love it

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That is dedication! Please do leave your signature/mark on this piece!


oh my goodness... well done! It turned out wonderfully, really, give yourself a pat on the back.

I sure hope I win your giveaway :)

wow.. i can't believe you're parting with this beautiful cardigan! It turned out so amazing!!

i would love to win it!
you can contact me at:


It's just stunning.

you are so wonderfully creative!
so impressed - i love it !


This is such a cool cardigan! I can't believe you made it. So makes me want to get back in sewing again. You are such a great artist!

lovely diy cardigan! :)


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So unique and inventive!
You should be proud of yourself for the hard work and philanthropy.
Happy New Year! Keep up the great work.

omg am I too late now????? that'd be suuuuch a shame! I love it so much!!!! you did a great job girl. well I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you handle a different time zone heeee I want to join!!

my god! thi DIY is simply stunning! I truly hope to win :P


I love that you used leather and I loooooooooveee the texture. Looks like you spent ages on that piece, no joke! props to doing an awesome job! If I spent hours and hours on something so beautiful I think I would find it really hard to give away.

Stephanie, steph at

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I love your DIY's they are so inspirational! I was about to donate a bag of clothes that dont fit dont like etc...but after 30 min here I realize I have a goldmine just waiting for some hard work! Thank You!

Hey there sophia,

All the hard work.....
I will give it a good home and show it off with great pride.

So here's my entry.
By the way even at new years I was flicking though the archives of you blog. Amazing stuff.

Much love and happy new year

Love it! I already commented earlier but realized I forgot to leave contact information! Sorry!

aw i want it! it's so beautiful!


great jacket, but more important you look great in those heels ... love your style

Link Exchange?

come check out the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think

wow. you are one talented young thing!

I love that cardigan! Even more because you worked so hard!

im probably to late no? i want this so so bad! xxxxx

oh my. WOW!!!!!!!
oh my.

I can hardly believe you're giving it away after all the hard work you put in it! I don't think I would be able to be that unselfish ;)

oh! pick me, pick me!
absolutely gorgeous, once again.

that cardigan is truly magnifique. your hard work's been paid off with over 250 people telling you thats its amazing! you have now inspired me to create one too.

how do you do it?? rockin the DIYs as always :D

wow!! The cardigan with the leather disks is really amazing like you're really talented!! and the idea is unique! i mean, i would have never thought about it ^^ you're really great hehe!

You are insanely talented! Amazing.

I'm sad that I missed it.:(
I follow.

xo :)

beautiful and so creative!

Love the cardigan! So very chic and unique! count me in!


j'adore ce cardigan.;originale et très classe
magnifique travail

that's soooooo cute:D:D:D:D:D i would love to enter if its possible

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good idea! You're so pretty! :)

oh it s adorable! love that chunky piece!


That is SO CUTE! Why didn't you just buy a leather punch? It's like a hole punch made for leather. My dad fixed my belt for me with one!


(for contact ^)

This is so stunning - can't believe you are giving it away with all the hard, tedious work it took!

You can contact me on Twitter: @MakeupandManies