Yesterday I took my last exam and today I saw my last patient of the semester. To celebrate the two weeks of vacation ahead of me, I'm . . . wearing colour! In all seriousness, today was a day of much needed relaxation. I wrapped up the DIY giveaway item, booked a spacious loft in Williamsburg for a two week getaway with my boyfriend, finally wore my Sam Edelman Zoe boots (that I bought ages ago but never wore due to fear of breaking both my ankles walking in them), and am looking forward to trying
yogurt soju tonight for the first time. Finally, I feel like my old self again without all the textbooks and notes bogging down on me. I can smile again! Don't worry though, black is still my favourite colour.
Now it's ready to be sent out!
hope all is well little lady.
Happy new year!
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it's actually a window/screen in the wall that allows people from the adjacent room to look into the other. kinda neat!