November 28, 2009

I'm new to Photobooth and its novelty has not worn off yet. Clearly. Please excuse this poor excuse of a post. Sophia will be back shortly with fewer facial expressions but plentiful amounts of DIYs. Woo woo! Hope everyone is having a restful weekend and to those in the States, hope you're still stuffed as a turkey/tofurkey/turducken.
I love the photos. looks like good fun:)


Haha, love the cousin it pic!! Gorgeous glasses.

lol! you are adorable, and those eyeglasses suit you so well!

You look so lovely! Photobooth is such an addiction! I can play around on it for hours and not get bored!

Lovely! Fun loving photos are greaaat !

kiss kiss,

you're to cute.

loving those glases.
you have such a cute face.

LOVEE this! and i really like ur outfit below :)))


are you chinese?

where did you get those glasses?

i like so much

@ ayn yes, i'm chinese. but maybe a little bi...
@ ayn
yes, i'm chinese. but maybe a little bit of something else since it's not so clear on my mum's side. mystery is good!

@ michelle
fabulous fannys in east village, ny -->

I just got a Macbook Pro! I haven't even used photobooth yet! I had to buy a cover before I could start using it. It's been since...September! :)


you look so beautiful,dear!!!! <3

Adore all these photobooth candid shots of you,you look stunning:)

I love the one with all your hair over your face and the glasses,it got me laughing <3

ahh i love photobooth pictures. do you have a dailybooth account? i'd follow you! its this website where you post a photobooth picture of you a day :D

Just discovered your wonderful blog and am following you now. (-:

lol at the second pic im getting cousin it vibes, i really like your glasses

The novelty of photobooth never wears off! At least for me...

I adore those - you're so cute <3
Love your glasses too.

So cute and what natural beauty!

I love your glasses, I want some but i'm afraid they won't suit me :/

girl you are awesome, and can i just say YES for boston fashion bloggers.

haha photobooth so awesome rgiht

These are so funny and so cute!


What a beauty - love the funny facial expressions!

November 26, 2009

I've always loved this time of the year. Everyone seems to be in motion, shuffling from one location to another, always in transit. I like it when things go by me in a blur. I remember how airports were (and still are) my favourite places to be. The holidays always bring back this feeling of rushed excitement that I constantly crave.

So I packed up today for a visit back home. Without fail, each time I visit my parents, my mom would have small presents for me. It's like she's constantly shopping for me, which I find simultaneously heartwarming and funny. As I dropped all my bags in the foyer, my mom told me to stay where I was as she scrambled to bring a bag of goodies. She shoved a box in my hands. I guess, before I continue with this story, I should bring up an abridged list of 4 fashion-related things I find difficult to tolerate: 1) Uggs, 2) anything Coach, 3) anything pink or purple and 4) LV monogrammed bags. As I opened the box, the first thing I saw was "Coach." Uh oh. I pried away the tissue wrappings revealing a pink, purple and cream coloured Coach leather wallet/planner. Double uh oh. I looked up at my mom with tears of joy and sadness and thanked her. She smiled lovingly. Of course, irregardless of my hate for all things pink and purple and Coach, I'll be using this wallet just because of my undying love to my mother. How could I not? I'd feel way too guilty otherwise.

If you see a girl wearing all black begrudgingly using a pink and purple Coach wallet one of these days, you'll know who she is. Don't laugh. Please say hi.

Question: Have you ever received a gift from your mother that you (sadly) can't stand but use regardless? What was it? Do tell!

Wearing gray tee, H&M cardigan, wool jacket from ages ago, H&M faux leather pants, Zara boots, Chanel bag
hmm usually I tell my mom what to get me :) haha i love this outfit!! <3

Sigh, sadly, I've never received any gifts from my mother other than a pair of sneakers from Payless when I was 12 years old.

The boots are so great for the outfit! They look comfy too :)

OH MY GOD YES. once, my mom got me spongebob invitations for a birthday party i was having. i was young, but not young enough to want spongebob invites. but she could read through me and knew i didnt like them and returned them. haha. so not really the same scale, but i still feel guilty now!

You're hilarious. And yes, my mother is always buying me things even though I tell her not to (b/c usually it's something that I would never ever wear/use yet I don't have the heart to tell her).

First of all, I love how you say you hate Uggs and the girl in the picture behind you is wearing Uggs! hahaha

As for my unpleasant gifts from my mom...she buys me clothes. I shop in the juniors even though I'm 29 but I still pick clothes that I can get away with wearing...when my mom shops for me in the juniors section, she picks childish things. I like Tweety Bird so she bought me a white shirt and zippered hoodie two-piece that had black Tweety Birds all over it which were highlighted in glitter. Ugh! I only wore them when I went to her house and I knew I wasn't going anywhere else that day. They now reside at Goodwill.

Ahhh you look lovely :) HAHA, I totally know what you mean. My mother bought me this hideous olive green and yellow sweater that she swore I would love. Did I ever fail to tell her that olive green and yellow are probably the worst colours for me to wear? Apparently not. Oh well, I guess it's the thought that counts, but I'm too chicken to tell her I hate it.

Awww, your mum sounds adorably lovely! You're such a nice daughter for using it, despite your distaste for all things pink, purple and Coach. I once received from my mum a pair of gold, diamond small hoops, which were beautiful, if I were in my 30s at a swingers party. I ended up selling them when I was short on cash, and to this day feel a deep pitted guilt every time I see my mum. Don't throw it away or sell your wallet, I warn you!

This comment has been removed by the author.

You look gorgeous, I love the wool coat, and she managed to find a coach wallet that was both pink AND purple? wow, haha. My mom usually does a pretty good job, my Grandmother on the other hand...Mickey Mouse sing-a-long CD's for when I was a teenager, and one year she bought me an array of pink (the only color I don't wear) accessories all embellished with a giant italicized A (for alison)...oh wow, haha. Anyways, you look great Happy Thanksgiving!

Love love the layering going on here and also those boots!

Awww,you're so sweet even though you really disliked your present.
My mom actually does a pretty good job picking gifts for me. Because I always give her big obvious hints what I want! heeeeee

I mean,I would rather she get me something I would use and really love <3

Your outfit looks so comfy!
And 'things mothers give you but you don't want' really made me think of Bridget Jones with those knitted t-shirts xD

And my mom comes home with a cheap black shirt she would love and then wonders why I don't want to wear it :P

haha!this is a great post,love it! and i love how you cant stand coach!there's just too many people carrying them around (fake or real,who cares?!?!hahaha..) my mom gave me this matronly-looking suede jacket with fur trimming (the ones you see on old european ladies). She's so excited about it cus' she scored it for a really cheap price. I was like..okaaayy...thanks mom (BIG GRIN) :p

Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving! :)


omg i love this!

you look lovely as always. i've been looking for boots like that for ages, but have been failing :( they look so comfy and good for any weather. that i think about it, all the gifts i've gotten from my mother have been pretty useful!

you're wonderful! i love your coat and need one like that

Boston look so beautiful, I must go back soon!

Coach is just not good. However, it's adorable that she shops for you constantly. My mother, on the other hand, absolutely hates shopping. When I was in the hospital last year, though, she bought me pajamas, two pairs of slippers, and a gloriously soft robe. They were, however, all pink. I think because I liked pink when I was 13, she assumes I still must. At least they're all very comfy and I never have to wear them out!

awesome boots!

Clothes Are Cute

it doesn't sound too bad, lol (the coach wallet i mean). let's see a pic! i wish my mom would give me stuff; she says i have far too many things already and that i should be less materialistic. so yeah. lovely outfit :) happy thanksgiving!

Aw, you're such a sweetheart for using the wallet despite not liking it. I also got stuff from my mom which I really didn't like but nothing big that I remember specifically.

I love that outfit - it's really simple but looks great and super stylish. I wish I had your hair, it's so beautiful!

I love shades of grey!
Great jacket!
X, fashion-nerdic.

Oh my gosh, your style is amazing!!! I absoloutly love everything you put together, so classic/edgy/tailored/ eddortless!! Absoloutly brilliant!! Keep up the amazing blogging!! x

I just moved from Boston in August after living there for five years!! I miss Newbury!

Re:Awwww,your comment was so sweet! Yeaa,I'm really too chicken to do anything else with my hair. ahahaha

and I do try to do my best when I'm blogging,guess I'm too addicted to it. heeee

love you lotssssss

thanks for your comments on my blog.
I love your nonchalant outfits.


absolutely stunning

love your classic coat!

on of my great friends goes to School in boston (Tufts). You look awesome! love the coat

likie pants!

I live in Boston! Your outfit is really cool! Love you coat and boots. Is this picture in Copley?


lol if my mom gets me sth i dont like i normally just tell her and she'll use it as a gift to give someone else instead LOL. she says at least its better than letting it go to waste!

I really don't like the monogrammed Coach line but I do think they have been getting substantially better in their designs! Moms are so cute when they think of you and buy something randomly... it just makes me chuckle thinking about some of the things my mom has gotten me!

I did not know you were based in Boston the first time I came across your page! Look forward to more of your posts :)

perfect ensemble. i like the boots a lot.

about gifts. we dont really do the gift thing. if i want something i buy it for myself. but i do get gifts from relatives when they visit, sometimes i give it back, other times it "disappears" after a while. i actually hate being given gifts, because no one ever gets it right.

November 23, 2009

Confession: I've been taking far more outfit photographs than posting them, and I'm starting to understand why that's the case. Simply put, blogging has changed how I think about myself. For the best and for the worst. I've finally become more comfortable with expressing myself in a way that's more true to who I am at my deepest core, but I've also become far more critical. I guess when you take a photograph and are given the chance to look back on it, mull over all its details, deconstruct every little piece, you start asking yourself questions. Questions like, "Does this really convey who I am?" "Is this outfit in good taste?" "What would have I done differently?" And on and on. Too many questions. And so I finally mustered up the courage to post. Anything. Because it's just more fun to be instinctual and genuine.

I've also received emails asking where to buy polka dot tights. I've heard some great things about these and these so check it out.

P.S. I have a heaping load of comments to get back to. I promise I will, because they all make me smile. Forgive me for being so slow?

Wearing vintage dress (from Persephone Vintage which I love x 100), Pleaser shoes, polka dot tights, vintage necklace, vintage leather bucket bag
Very very true about what you said.

oh you rock those heels so well (as always)!!

love the heels with the dress. they elevate the class factor even further. i agree totally, and sometimes i've hesitated posting, only to be surprised by the warm reception by the wonderful community at chictopia.

My sentiments exactly!

I love everything about this outfit, as always! You look incredible!

good point - i agree - blogging does end up being a lot about self-reflection and everything that comes along w/ that.. being instinctive is good =)

love your dotted tights - i tore mine last week, really sad but now i suppose they have that whole 'distressed' look

thankyou! i've been meaning to get some polkadot tights. are the ones your wearing the ones from tabio? flick me a comment about it if you want. thanks

Your dress is just wonderful!

those tights are so cuutee! love everything, do hope you post more! :)))


i love persephone vintage, sophia! :) love the entire ensemble especially the pleasers haha. such a naughty touch.

Gorgeous :). I absolutely adore the Pleasers <3 I've become more critical of what I post (as per outfit posts) now too. You really want to convey the right message!

Love the little black dress with those awesome polkadot tights :)
ooh and i found out yesterday that h&m has them too! :) i'm going to stock up.

sweety you look amazing!So chic!!!
I LOVE this look

you made those pleaser shoes look so wearable,even in daylight! you should take a closeup shot of that necklace, it kinda look amazing from afar :)


Wauw didn't thought your shoes were from Pleaser (since they look like they're made of a soft, vervet-ish fabric).
You look stunning btw! :)

I agree. We are too critical with ourselves .. and here comes the thing .. we have to be critical to evolve but not too much to not fall into pessimism .. do not you think?
Awesome shoes and tights and dress ;))

I love the polka dot tights! I've been eyeing heart ones :)


i totally agree with you, i give way more thought into what I wear since starting my blog, sometimes it drives me crazy but it allows me to get more creative.

you look so pretty in this outfit, the dress is adorable and heels are killer :)

Clothes Are Cute

I'll bet all your photos/outfits look fantastic as usual though :] I rarely post outfits anymore for the same reasons though :/

i love it!

I used to be ALL outfit posts if you go back a ways, they were awful! haha but they really helped me break that ugly duckling feeling of my adolescence even thought i was already 20! I really gained a lot of confidence but i mean i've since stopped posting them becuase well i dont get the same satisfaction from them... so i know how you feel, but i think ur style is fantastic hope you will at least post occasionally... plus if i were to ever start posting again i'd rather my pics look something like yours, very artistic and lovely!

anywho hope ur all prepared for the holidays!!! craziness ugh... lol <3 u tons hope you're well and staying warm!

I dont really comment, but I just wanna say I love your blog. Its a style completely different from mine but impeccable none the less.

I wonder if blogging has - as you say - indeed changed how you look at yourself OR, if it has only changed the way you wish others to perceive you? Putting one's personal photos out in the public sphere is, I think, a curated Public Relations attempt at saying: THIS IS WHO I AM/WANT TO BE TO YOU. You know? It's a delicate balance, I suppose. After all, you (and many bloggers, including myself!) are very measured about *what* we choose to share about our personal lives. (P.S. Great tights!)

great post, i feel similar since starting my own style blog. i always want to go back and delete posts, but then i ask myself, why? it's a good way for me to see how my style is (or is not) evolving.

beautiful outfit. im totally opposite from you. i dont take enough outfit photos at all..and i still end up hating the ones i do take ):

don't ask yourself too many questions, your style is perfect the way it is, and as long as you're confortable with what you're wearing, i'm sure we'll like it too!

Wooooo,I still see you love your pleaser shoes so much! heeeee

Really adore yor dotted tights with the simple black dress,you pulled it off perfectly.

Love your look here!!tha black dress is ideal for Christams occassions..

Love the tights and heels- found your blog through Punky Style. Going to add you to my Boston blogroll- I am a Boston blogger too :)



Excelente look.

I just posted an outfit with my new swiss dot tights. They're just about the cutest accessory to add to an outfit.

I love everything about this look, literally! Lovely blog too :) Mon Mode Blog

Loving the "stripper shoes!!" Where did you ever find them?


lovely shoes, looking fabulous with these shoes

November 20, 2009

This is love.

L. O. V. E


Her name is Daul with Korean pronunciation. I like her, too. ^^

thanks for the correction. sleep deprivation --> silly spelling errors + dyslexia.

November 19, 2009

These photos were taken right before I dropped my boy off at a client's and locked my book bag containing my car and house keys, cell phone, wallet and laptop, and Nikon D90 in the back seat of the car. To make matters worse, all said possessions were also spread out on the back seat as if on exhibition for all the lovely passers-by (and other not so lovely ones who could have taken the concept "window shopping" a little too far). My entire life was scattered on the leather back seat as I gazed, rejected, into the window. "So close yet so far away."

At least I had my Zara thigh-highs on for the first time today. The day could still be saved.

Wearing H&M blazer, chiffon shirt dress from Shanghai, Zara thigh-highs, opaque tights
wow, for some reason i never realized how long your hair is until this post!

gorgeous as always. that chiffon shirt is to die for...

oh dear, although you do look beautiful. love the simplicity and class.

well, i'd give my wallet for a pair of thigh-highs right about now! those look so good on you.

i hope you didn't have to wait too long to get all your stuff back!

Once again SO CLOSE YET SO FAR. :( Love those thigh-highs, if I wore them I'd probably have to chop the tops off!

Love the chiffon dress, and those thigh-high boots are stunning!

LOVE this, those boots are so cute! :)


oh no, i hope you got everything back quickly! you look great sophia

Eek! I guess there was a happy ending?

You are wonderful!

lool! Yeah at least that!


love the sleek vibe of this look, & I'm ridiculously jealous of your hair!


Those boots are fabulous!!
You look perfect - this is such a gorgeous outfit (saved it immediately in my inspiration folder ;-).)

perfect, again!

aw man, that sucks...the car situation, not the outfit. those thigh high boots are amazing, I just got some and they're so fun to wear.

sorry to hear about your little mishap! it looks like it all worked out though =)
i do know your pain because once i locked my keys in my car, with it still running! oops, lol.

and this outfit is beyond gorgeous. hello amazing zara thigh highs!

you poor thing! i have a routine where i check about 4 times before closing my door to make sure i have my keys and cell phone haha. but gorrrrgeous outfit.

Ugh I've done that! What sucks is my car auto-locks within a few minutes so if it's in, I'm screwed!

I love your boots! They look awesome!


i love that outfit!! and sorry about your car haha

i love the outfit.. it's brilliant!

so funny what happened with all your things displayed nicely at the backseat of your car. heeee

I love love how this outfit is so simple yet very chic! Love love your shirt dress and also those thigh highs. I'm so envious<3

Love ur style, the shirt dress is amazing.

I bought the same pair I think and they are so comfortable! Your blog is really great and you have wonderful style, I'm glad I came across it. Adding you to my list!



cool boots. i love it with the long white shirt dress and the long jacket or it. so chic.

Love the look! Especially the white shirt dress.

@Anon i have a habit of locking my doors from the...

i have a habit of locking my doors from the inside before leaving the car. not a good thing when you realized your keys were left inside the car :o)
