October 22, 2009

I've developed a bit of a shoe obsession lately. I never thought I'd be one of those "shoe people." Tragically (to my bank account), however, I have fallen victim. And these Miu Miu mirror platforms are one of my recent purchases to prove this. They add the perfect touch of girliness to any outfit. Finally, I leave you with this epic photograph.

Wasn't that fantastic? Thought not.
Man, those are beautiful - the mirrored platform makes me think of them like Acne Atacoma's fiesty kid sister.

Oh my, the shoes are beautiful. And you're just a lovely character for the camera.

Fantastic, yes!

& don't worry, every fashionable person is "a shoe person", some are just in denial.


those shoes are incredible!

i really like your face.. it is pretty soft.. and nicee!!

Your shoes are sooo cute!! definitely worth the splurge. love the whole look! I'm so happy I am under your blog list too. Will be adding yours to mine since it is one of my faves! :)



sooooo cute. they're especially awesome in this post because the gravel from the floor reflects off your shoe :D
i know what you mean but never really thinking you'd be a "shoe person" but somehow..becoming one hehehe

very, very fantastic!! you are adorable :D

what, no close-up shot of the shoes?

mirrored platform... i love it, theyre beautiful!

great blog! I love your style!

Brilliance achieved!

I'm not a big shoe person but I do understand shoes are the most important piece, besides comfort and aesthetics, will give away some info about its owner ;)

Oh what a stunning outfit,dear!!!!To die for :)

great mix. your style is amazing and so casual. perfect.

thank I didn't know where I could buy it.

They're beautiful. Cute outfit also. I want your hair!

Cute shoes!!

x ws x

ahhh miu miu platforms. im drooling and crying (cus they don't make shoes in my size) at the same time lol.


love me some mirrored platforms... especially some miu miu mirrored platforms!
i feel like all your pictures are taken not far from my old apartment in the south end... I miss it!:)

your face is such pretty & i'm pretty into your outfit, it remembers me of one of chloe s. outfits, only your shoes are too pretty ;)

the shoes are indeed fantastic !

hahaha gorg outfit adore the shoes, adore the over...
gorg outfit
adore the shoes, adore the overall minimalist look


You're gorgeous!!


Those mirror platforms are incredible!!!! Awesome outfit too, love the dark palette.


Haha, you are so cute! Love the shoes, as I am (and will always be) a shoe girl <3

Love love your shirt dress and I adore those heeels ! So so beautiful and gorgeous :)

omg omg sophia where did you get themmmmm?? they're not current season are they?? I've been dying for a pair of mirrored/reflective ages for agesss and those are everything i love: miu miu and maryjane!!! what a great find :D

October 18, 2009

The lovely Chel and MJ over at Let's Live Fast interviewed me for their October Style Spotlight. If you're into reading babble, what I'm listening to on my iPod, my style inspirations, and the such, head over there! Their layout design is also exquisite. My personal favourite is that I look like I have super powers floating above a shimmering green amorphous backdrop. LOVE IT. Thank you Chel and MJ. Big kisses.

Finally, if you're feeling that the blog has been a little dormant lately, it's because you're a keen individual and you're very right. I've been involved with DIYs here and there (I have some news regarding this one very soon) and some new ideas. Lots of exciting things are in store. I can't wait.
I just read your interview! It was amazing! Congrats on that :) Do you mind me asking what you are studying at school? You said you took physics at one point. I remember attempting physics back when I was a Biology major, but physic and me just don't see eye to eye.

Oh and I gave you an award!

you look amazing! congrats =]


CONGRATS! going to read your interview. i absolutely LOVEE ur style! its so perfect :)



love this outfit of yours, and i'm heading to read your interview right now because i DO like reading about my fave bloggers =)

Congrats girl on the feature ! And I've read the interview :) Woohoooo ! Loved loved what you said and enjoyed reading it <3

And you're my DIY go to person !!!

Congratulations! You truly deserve it, and much much more! You are fierce, girl!

The interview about you sounds very interesting thanks for posting a link to that website you talked about.

Reading this really made me very curious about the interview. Thanks for the links!

Great interview! They picked just the right girl, and I'm sure we will be hearing great things from you in the future as well!!


October 11, 2009

It was one of those weekends where neither my boyfriend nor I could sit still. We talked about happiness and what it meant to us. We talked about what made us happy. Upon finishing the conversation we hopped in the car and drove. We had no plan but decided on Providence. As we were heading into the city we drove past a region of desolate warehouses. It was a weekend and there was absolutely no one around which only added another layer of eeriness to the place. It was quiet, grungy and perfect. As I started walking around I noticed that the air reeked heavily. I freaked out not being able to identify the stench. My boyfriend, just in time, told me it was a poultry factory and meatpacking area. Phewww, because my imagination had already started to wander in the direction of the movie Hostel.

Anyway, the next couple of days will be a little hectic. I'm in the middle of DIYs, both figuratively and literally (I'm squashed between all my supplies on my couch as I type this), but can't exactly show them on here until November because it's for a magazine (details will come)! It's exciting news and I'm looking forward to sharing with all of you what I've been attempting to make (or destroying).
where are your shoes from?! perfect day timers

"Upon finishing the conversation we hoped in the car and drove"

I'm the same - hope the car will start, hope it won't break down, hope I won't run out of petrol. :)

@James haha, that's awesome. mostly we "...
haha, that's awesome. mostly we "hopped," but we did some hoping too. man, spell check isn't too useful, eh?

btw, checked out the black milk store. the tights are hot!

love your photos, they're beautiful. can i ask what camera you use?

can't wait to see the magazine!

beautiful photos. i can't wait to see what youre making! i'm sure it'll be fabulous

oh god, your style is so perfect. i especially love this casual comfy look. i love it!

LOVE this outfit :)


Lovely outfit! You style is perfect. So chic. Your day sounds like the kind of day I need in my life - thought-provoking and different. x

Magazine! Very exciting :D

I love the hint of brown in your outfit <3

perfect fall outfit <3 also, i adore your shoes. have fun with your diys!! i can't wait to see them :)

I love this! The layers are so beautiful - perfect colors for fall. Oh and I love your shoes.

I'm new to your blog and I am in lovvee with it! You have fantastic style. i love the layers here, so cute! I'm officially a follower :)



ahhh! so cool that you get to do a diy for a magazine. i looove diy. you should check out the sweater beanie tutorial that i just blogged about! =]


oh gosh sophia great outfit as usual. cant wait to see you DIY!! so lucky that you're going to be featured in a magazine!

très cool.

I love your style!

Omg the shoes are fabulous ! where did you get them ?


cool photos and layering - the black, brown and blue are unexpectedly great together. can't wait to see those diy's!

ahh.. i am very much into drapes and layers (though the weather here is too humid to wear those). love your outfit.
make some pretty fugly creepers! hehe.

wow. you look amazing!


simple & just completely fantastic

i'm inspired

casual and chic, gorgeous photos!

caaan't wait to see your new DIYs and the magazine feature :D

scary place:) but you looked great


jean colour is perfect!

Big apologies girl ! Computer at work sucks,even now banning my own blog and I can't see:(

Missed you a whole lot:) Yet another gorgeous outfit. The layering going on here is perfect,love your scarf and those sunnies <3 <3

And a meatpacker factory ?!! Ughhhh,yucky. heeee

I know your DIYs are going to be so so perfect .

I like your outfit especially the top. You look very chic.

You look pretty. Thanks for sharing your wonderful day with your boy friend. This really made me jealous, I wish I have one. Someone I can talk about almost everything about what’s on my mind.

So pretty, I love this.

October 9, 2009

Just a simple look for running errands in the neighbourhood. This hooded black vest had been in my closet for years. When i first received it as a gift I remember wondering, “well, this is kind of a dud. When am I going to wear this?” Of course, a few years later, I love it and can imagine wearing it over all kinds of dresses to add a touch of tough chic. Now I'm into full blown hood obsession and eyeing this.
i loooove it. i think i asked you before but are those the F21 cynthia vincent wedges??? probably not right..you probably have some secret awesome shoe store that you buy from hahahaha.
still loving the headband...soooo coool sophia!!

cant get enough of the headband

i love hoods! i feel like they make everything look so much more interesting <3 i recently bought a huge-hooded vestthing (i do have a way with words) and i only stopped wearing it because i was wearing it too excessively. the oak hooded poncho is absolute LOVE, thanks for sharing! oh, and am in total agreement with the poster above me-- that headband is amazing and i'm absolutely envious of your diy-ing skills

i have a hood obsession too. when i get my first paycheck i think i'll get something from complex geometries or oak.

Oh my those shoes, the BULK it adds to the end of your slim (e to the nvy) legs... your errands outfit kills me, feels like I need to do better than hoodie and tracksuit when I do mine...

that color is absolutely divine on you!

this look is effortlessly wonderful :]!

I love that hooded poncho you're eyeing, it'd look really great on you!

Gorgeous outfit!

i like your simplicity!

I love your hooded vest. What a cool and laid back oufit!

The hooded vest is just what I need !! I always look hoods,but thought they were too dud like you said.

But seeing you here,I want one so so bad! Ahhhhh.I love love the dress and those shoesssss.You're always so beautiful <3

another great look !


i love your shoes and adore your diy projects:)




you are so gorgeous ! i love the whole outfit :D

Great style! Those shoes are amazing

I have the same shoes! Proabably one of the best shoes Forever 21 has ever pumped out. :)

I think I'm in love with your shoes!

You and your blog are wonderful

Love the outfit, and your hair...is amazing. I can't seem to grow mine out quite that long, any secrets?

Love your blog miss. www.littlebambiboots.blogspot.com

October 8, 2009

Finally, I am blown away. Every little thing here is perfect, from the proportions, the draping, sheer blouses, leather and those shoes. Tim Hamilton, you are now on my radar.
The glasses remind me of Leon from "The Professional," awesome collection.

P.S. Love the blazer from the post below!

And congrats on being a style icon!!!

Oh the glasses are magnificent! And the makeup is gorgeous. x

I'm in love with the sunglasses and those dark lips ! And I want that hot red outfit !

This collection is just perfect,loss for words :)

that's my friend's brother!