September 12, 2009

I've created an individual Twitter account for Phosphene. I find myself not updating my personal Twitter page very often, so I'm planning on slowly moving away from that one. Follow me here instead for new entries, DIY giveaways as they roll in, updates on what I ate for breakfast and other various droll but life-changing updates.
Okay,I'll be following you on the new account when I get home !! Heeee

Dumb computer at work has banned twitter ! Urghh

September 9, 2009

A very monochrome and minimalist day. Mainly I wanted to find a look simple enough to accessorize with my new lucite necklace from H&M. The necklace is huge and like a piece of art I'd expect to see at the MoMA or ICA. I knew a fussy outfit would've just been adding chaos. I also got a wonderful neck workout wearing it. There's nothing like working that platysma and SCMs after an exhausting day.

So, why all this acrylic talk? I'm actually pretty fascinated with acrylic in general. And before that, I had a short obsession with anything bakelite. During that phase, I wanted to make acrylic necklaces (and even acrylic furniture, like a coffee table). I realized that making the table was a little too ambitious--it would require buying large sheets of acrylic and bending them while hot with a strip heater element--so I looked into necklaces instead. All you probably need for that would be acrylic sheets and an acrylic knife (score and break). If you're interested in making lucite goodness, check out TAP Plastics which I especially liked for their variety in supplies and instructional videos. Good luck!

You are so perfect :) Beautiful smile!

The necklace is so amazing!
I don't think you've ever had a bad hair day in the entirety of your life, have you?
I'm envious!

I just came across your blog. It is adorable!! I LOVE that necklace...did you just get it? And those shoes.. where did you get those shoes????


Those pants are great, I love the looser fit, they look really nice on you!

<3 necklace & shoes too

My gosh !!! The necklace is so beautiful and artistic :) I'm going to make one soon !

And love those pants with the tie top :) Pants rolled up to the ankle is always something I LOVE !

Like I said,beautiful hair you have <3

amazing necklace and photos look even better close-up! (obvious, i know :P) love your class.

modelicious pictures! i especially love the third one. that necklace is so perfect! who takes these awesome pictures?? they are amaaazing!

@ anonymous

the necklace is pretty darn heavy, thus the neck workout. though, i have to say, i forgot about the weight a couple minutes in.

Your outfits are always perfect!
(You have a new feature on my blog today...)

You look amazing! I love your simple and chic look! Love your blog so much!

I am a follower!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! That is one cute outfit you're sporting!

Hi! I found you through chictopia and your style i...
I found you through chictopia and your style is amazing!
These pictures are incredible :)

I adore Lucite jewelry right now too! Ever since I saw the recent Lanvin necklaces I was hooked! Check out my Lucite necklace purchase at this amazing store in NYC:


September 9, 2009

I wasn't able to fall asleep last night so I finally got around to a mini-project I had in mind, a strong-shouldered fringe dress. Of course, my boyfriend just had to wake up before sunrise, perfect timing to see me sitting in the dark feverishly sewing shoulder pads and fringe onto a dress. Love is about accepting minor episodes of insanity.

Some readers have already asked me how I got the shoulder pads and fringe on. First, I placed the shoulder pads where I wanted them on the dress. After pinning them in place, I sewed them down. I then placed fringe around the seam between the shoulder and sleeve, pinned it down and sewed. Add more fringe further down the sleeve for more volume.

Hopefully that all made sense. This brings to mind a silly picture I saw online titled "How to draw a chicken". Step 1 was to draw a circle for the head and another for the body. Step 2 was an exquisite, spot-on, anatomically-correct, pencil sketch study of a chicken. Haha. Hopefully this is making sense!

SO GORGEOUS! what a beautiful silhouette you've created! I really really want one of these *dies*

Too bad i'm terrible with DIY *ug*

<3 love it!

This is one DIY I would love love to try !! Thanks for all the tips and instructions! heeee Any questions,I'll ask you :)

And the final result with the dress on you is beautiful .

Awwwww man,it's okay more giveaways to come ! I'm excited <3

Re:Thanks girl ! You're really so sweet,glad you liked the video. Agreed that it makes a blogger and their readers feel more personal. That's true. And a slight british accent ?? Nahhhh. hahaha

The dress looks amazing with the modified shoulders! Great job :)

the dress fits you so well!
so envious of your diy skills..i don't have the patience to do that, though it's an effect i very much enjoy.

You are so freakin' beautiful, and I love this DIY, too :)

I'm going to have to try this!
Looks great!

Are you ever gonna do a feature on the talented person who photographs you? (or the talented tripod, maybe?) -- your backdrops and context, and the angles they create in the composition, are awesome.

sooooooooooooooooooo good

You're amazing, very talented! Loving the blog and the DIY tips x

Always love your DIY project !!

can't believe you did this too! this was suppose to be my next post! love it on you xoxox


September 7, 2009

Remember that I made this bracelet a few months ago? I actually had leftover materials from that project and made a second one (shown above) that's just been sitting around on a table in the closet. I'm giving this one away, so don't be shy, say hi and I'll select a recipient.

Since people have asked me how I make some of my pieces, I'll also throw in a tip. It's not hard and you don't need much equipment either. Originally I thought I had to solder everything together, but a quick alternative is cold welding. I hopped over to the hardware store, had a conversation/debate on cold welding materials and epoxies with the salesperson and walked out with JB Weld. Sure, it's not as strong and durable as the almighty solder, but given its ease of use and economy, it's a pretty darn good option.

Also, according to the packaging it's good for "mechanics, farmers, and homeowners". You know, make some bracelets, fix a tractor axle.

Ahhhhhhh,I want this so badly !! Ohhhh man,it's so beautiful :)) I missed the 1st one, but do hope I could have that !

And cold welding is a cool tip girl ! Thanks alot for sharing ~


Ooohhh... Thanks for the tip! Do you think this would work if I bought some leather loafers and attempted to make a poor man's version of the Louboutin "rollerball" studded loafers?! That would be hot.

(I came across your blog while browsing chictopia and I'm so glad I did! Definitely a daily read for me :-)

Sophia, I love your DIYs! The "Givenchy" project was great! So simple, but worked amazingly! Love the bracelet too! Tough love is my fave look for fall :) Great blog!

i love your bracelets! such great DIYS :]
i saw your blog through chictopia too, you have such a sweet, fresh face, your style is amazing !! ^___^

Wow now that's a DIY! The bracelet looks great! I found your blog through chictopia too, and I'm so glad I did! You're fabulous :)


those bracelets together look soooooooooooo badass. i always secretly wish that i'd get one of your crazy amazing DIYs :/

Love the bracelets! Going to have to make one for myself....wonder if my bf would let me use his welding equipment??? haha. probably not!

Oh man, both bracelets are killer.

Yes, I love red bean in sticky rice! Do you like the one with red bean inside rice cake as well?

oooooooo such cool bracelets!! love your DIYs. you always make the nicest stuff in ways that i NEVER thought anyone could make stuff!! So smart sophia so smarttttt. ahh i also wish i could win one of your DIY items but you'll probably wont even wanna send to hk ): sooo far ):

Really like this bracelet. The porcupine spikes, the proportion of them, so that they almost interfere with the movement of your fingers but don't by just a wee bit, is so cool. I've done some DIY but it's a bit more conceptual and not really wearable (like a shoe out of cigarettes, which is over on Anyway, nice to find you, really lovely composition on the photos too.

Thanks for the tip, ur DIY are always so inspiring!! Jasna xxx

Did u get me email btw, about my blog?

ahmazing, so pretty. love them both & thanks for the lovely tip :)
enjoy your day lady.

wow. I also went here from Chictopia and your si...

I also went here from Chictopia and your site is totally going to be one of my daily reads.

I am always so amazed at your creativity! Your DIYs are so amazing but sadly i am located in Australia.

I want to try some of your DIY projects so much but alas Austalia has no good craft shops. I went looking for some studs once to no avail!!

In the meantime i'll just admire your beautiful art =)

OHH ! That bracelet is just amazing ! I reaaaaaaaaaally love ! please send it to me!! If Australia doesn't have any good craft shops image Portugal... here it's almost jungle.. we don't have anything :'(... you could you send it to me that i will certanly take good care of it and e-mail yoou photos of it everyday :) and since i also have a blog it would appear there as marketing to your amazing and lovely DIY's! Oh i wish i had it, and imagine how good it would fit in my wrist in the jungle :) !!

Lot's of love

P.S- Please make more DIY's! you're such a good crafter

(not wanting to be a pain in the hole)i just have to say it one more time, I LOVE IT !!

will you marry me, cute little bracelet...?
anyway, Sophia, I sent you an email to propose your baby.. :)

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I looooove those bracelets!! That's so awesome that you made them! Yesterday, I spent a long time going through your entire blog, and I must say that you are such an inspiration! I love when people do different things with their clothes and you are so very creative!

I am really loving this look, and the bracelet is no exception! I also really dig the packaging on the welding materials.

I would first like to say how creative you are in terms of fashion and your diy skills. =)If only I could make something as beautiful with my own two hands lol. Keep up the good work and keep posting!

LOVE the bracelet- and outfit ^^'

Quite love this ! I'd love to win ! Please please me !
Kisses from Paris,
x x x

wow! its gorgeous:) you wear it well, whoever is receiving is going to be very happy!

xx raez

Hi. Your bracelet is drop dead gorgeous.

I would die if I got it. I might never need another piece of arm candy again. Give it to a loving home (mine).

I absolutely adore this bracelet!
Its, rock&roll, elegant and chic.
Thank you for your talent and the inspiring mini-project of your.

so in love with your blog! Pictures are adorable, and you're very crafty!


September 6, 2009

I fell in love with the Givenchy FW 2009 collection. It was animalistic, dramatic, emotional, and what I thought to be one of the most inspiring collections that season. I especially loved the lace dresses with the burgundy and blue shoulder pads peeking through the delicate lace. They were magical. So, what’s a gal to do? I made my own—vintage lace with burgundy shoulder pads sewn into the shoulders and finished off with a nude belt. It took me roughly 3 days of interrupted episodes of work to get it done and I'm so glad it took fairly quickly, because I wore it out today and IT.WAS.FREEZING. Any slower, I wouldn't have had the chance to wear it for another season.

so pretty! my favourite collection too. ...gosh you have a tiny waist !!

This lace dress is just so beautiful !! Can't believe you did it to perfection :)

Talented girl you are. And looking forwards to more DIYs.

The pink shoulder pads are a good contrast with the lace <3


You are so talented and amazing. I wish I had your patience to do more DIY, haha I don't know how many times I've mentioned this in a comment, but I really can't stress it enough. Keep the DIYs coming!

so cool ang i love it with the boots:)xx

girl I am still more and more amazed by your skills! love this dress a lot and don´t worry, it´l look great even with tights!

love, Tereza*

omg GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! that dress is super cute and the peekaboo shoulderpaddies are so genius! greaaaaaaat DIY as usual!

really nice job! the dress is very cute :)

Beautiful dress! You are so talented!


i love ur dress. pretty genius too with the diy. :)

Beautiful! This is one of my favourite of your posted outfits.