September 2, 2009

Everything I'm wearing today is thrifted. Well, minus the shoes. Part of the student life budget is to make-do with what you have, but I have no qualms with such limitations. It's only opened my mind and allowed me to be a bit more creative with what I can put together. Today, I'm wearing some thrifted trousers. I love trousers but have always feared that the cut would be hard to pull off (especially with my mother-bearing hips).

And, this is where I mention one of my favourite designers, Alber Elbaz. I chuckle with joy each time I see him walking out at the closing of each of his shows. He's always wearing his signature trousers, generously fit and cuffed at the ankles, and an exaggerated bow tie. Pictures of his beautiful pieces make me swoon every time, but it's the picture of him at the end that I immediately deem as a favourite. I guess Alber and his collections are a bit of an inspiration for this little outfit--cuffed trousers, a slouchy silk top, an eggshell blue leather bag, and a bow sash. I hope Alber would approve!

P.S. I still have two of my DIY pieces to mail out to the winners. I'm in the works of acquiring boxes and proper packaging for them. Patience shall be rewarded with goodies.
Woooooman, your hair is gloooorious. I have those F21s as well, are they comfortable? I haven't given mine too much wear yet... I love how modern you look with the all-thrift outfit <3

thrifting is my absolute favorite kind of shopping - and those are some great finds!

so so pretty. your hair is so good.. makes me not want to cut mine tomorrow. and deff can't even believe all thrift, its amazing!

I love this one so much, you have no idea.

I can't believe all these pieces are thrifted. This look is so expensive-looking!

the trousers are stunning i applaud you for making do with what you have. i wish so bad that could have money to spend like other bloggers

"I love trousers but have always feared that the cut would be hard to pull off (especially with my mother-bearing hips)"

ME TOO. minus the mother-bearing hips. my fear is not being able to pull off any cool trousers because of my midgety height! but you pulled off this look so effortlessly <3

Thrifting is something that I absolutely love ! Because its always good for us to save money and the most beautiful pieces of clothing are hidden there :)

love this whole black outfit and that little grey bag ! Perfect length of pants where the jeans is cuffed at the ankle.

And your hair is beautiful girl !

love love. i pretty much get all my clothes at the thrift store too, so this look is great! you look amazing, and adore the shoes!

xx raez

you are great! seriously. and,oh, i linked ur blog to mine :)
anyway, how's the disc leather jacket going? haven't heard about her for quiet sometime..:)

alber would be very proud! outfit is tremendously chic and effortless. totally floored me! as always, you know i am a fan sophia. like always!

and can i have your cascading hair?:p


such a beautiful look!
and I love you hair that way it's so whimsical! <3
hope you're well xo

Wonderful combination with black and gray!
Those shoes are lovely :)


amazing outfit and great wedges!

great outfit!

Love your trousers!

yayyy you look so cool and comfy thurr!!! Those trousies are niceeeeeeeeee but i can never pull them off -__________-

you're beautiful and this is really awesome. I don't think I can pull those pants off (or rather the entire outfit) as well as you can. You look great! :)

this look is awesome!! it's incredible how everything in this outfit is thrifted yet one would definitely not be able to tell just by looking... i love how everything looks so elegant and chic!

omgg those trousers...<3!! 'child-bearing hips' you mean? :D i cravvvee them... sighsighsigh

September 1, 2009

My mom gave me this vintage silk blouse and I love it to pieces. The blouse has delicate little punch-outs and is sprinkled with pearl and bead accents. This all brings me to realize how the quality of present day clothing feels so compromised. I can buy an H&M blouse and upon one wear the stitches are already coming loose. Quality and quantity are inversely related.

So here's me being a complete fool. I went for a creamy palette today which I found very suitable for the autumn-tinged air. Honestly, I can't wait for Fall and Winter. I'm ready to break out the heavier and grungier stuff (spikes, leather, chunky boots, oversized scarves, layers, and dramatic lace and velvet).

P.S. The blog is in design transition. As you may have also noticed, I'm going to stick with the straightforward Phosphene instead. I came up with Phosphene Fashion when I was way too young and when alliteration seemed cool. A renovation is in store.
Love your hat! So cute!!

That blouse is lovely. I also agree with you on Fall and Winter, I look forward to layering.

Where is that hat, from? It's fantastic!

You look lovely. Your hurrr is so unbelievably long now !! JEALZZZ

always loved those shoes! don't know why i never got them =/

love loveee the outfit.

your hat is so bloody cuutee!!! i kinda can't wait for fall too. so sick of our super hot sticky humid weather!! would love to see a detail shot of the neckline of your embellished top!

The nude palette is beautiful !! With black shoes and your Chanel bag,which I'm so wanting one is beautiful :)

And the blouse is beautiful with all that details ! That's why most times I always love vintage clothing .

Phosphene for your blog is cool too ! Are you going to do a makeover for your blog . Can't wait !!

blouse is gorgeous & that hat is so adorable.

I have those shoes too! I bought them awhile ago but have yet to wear them. Very cute!

I really love your blog, pictures and DIY's!
Today I've featured some of your jewelry pics on a collage on my blog. I will also feature some of your cool outfits soon!
Ciao from Italy :)

Aw, you look so cute! Love the look, reminds me a lot of classic Chloe girl style (minus, perhaps, the Chanel bag!).

cute hat!

absolutely stunning pictures and the lighting is so warm and glowy!
the combo of that blouse + sandals + bag = awesome

so romantic!

geez, woman! i dont know why youre not famous yet, your style is just fantastic! the nude colours and everything just works, i love it:)

xx raez

i really like this vintage look!
So stunning the hat is beautiful! I actaully think I have something like it that was my Nonas! <3 so pretty!

August 29, 2009

One of my best friends gave me this blue Uniqlo dress shirt. She told me with a slightly exasperated tone, “you always wear black.” I believe that was her hint to me to incorporate more of the colour spectrum into my wardrobe. Of course, I’ve failed her and wore this today with black leather pants, a black silk sash, black bow hairband and black clutch. Sorry hun, I really did try.

Cute little story follows:

So I wore this on my way for a morning cup of coffee. It was pouring but undeniably beautiful out. The lighting was nice so I asked the boyf to snap a few before leaving. I opened the door and jumped into the rain. He then closed the door behind me and started snapping photos from inside through the window. Oh man, cracked me up! People walking by seriously thought I was off the rocker jumping around in the rain by myself. RAIN IS FUN.
you look so great!love the leather pants!<3
xxx cody

making my rainy days bright again.

luv, the boyf (how exactly is that pronounced?)

Funny story!:) Lovely photos! Love the rain!!:):):)

LOVE the leather !

I love this outfit, especially the shoes. I must add, your DIY projects are rather fierce. Thanks for the comment, I love your blog!

these shots are adorable! I love them, and your blog is stellar
Care to trade links?


oh!!! this is such wonderful pictures .... i adore them in motion and you looked like you are having so much fun w/ the rain!!!! actually, it didn't bother me a bit when it rained in last couple of days .... truly enjoyed the clear-smell of air after the rain, xoxo

Ahhh I love this outfit!!! Absolute perfection; I think it takes a certain someone to pull off leather pants and you have done it magnificently.
I wear black a lot too, but it's chic and flattering!

I LOVE this!!

I love your shoes, and pretty much this whole outfit.

such cute photos! ive always wanted to do a shoot in the rain but we've had such good weather i havent had the chance!

Thanks for the tips on the studs ! I'll go check that out :)
And yes yes,bring those harem pants back girl !

Ohhh my,your photos are beautiful ! Taking outfit shots in the rain ?! You did it perfectly :)

Your story is so funny ! Didn't know he shot those photos from the inside :)

Your shirt being tucked in halfway with those leather pants is just perfect ! Relaxed yet chic look !

I WANT those shoesss <3

hahhahaha your boyf is funnyy!!!
i always wear black too. people always ask me if i own anything that's of an actual COLOR hehehehe.
i loove how you mixed the girlyness of the headband with the masculinity of the dress shirt. :D

you look so adorable. your hair is gorgeous & love the outfit.

im inlove with the way you wore the shirt and the undone tie ..this is exquisite.

Adorable! Love your outfit and all the details. x

Love your outfit adn the shirt looks amazing with all that black! can´t believe I found your blog just now..I have to go throught your older posts! :)


Gosh, your blog / style is amazing!
Lovely pictures and you're so pretty!

Thanks for your sweet comment!

Of course, this look is great.
I really would like it if we had a Uniqlo here, I've never even been in one!

Great pants. You seem to have the legs for them as well. I especially love the ribbon. I would have loved to see the new Acne shoes with metallic bottom as well.

The photos are so amzing!
I love your head band!

You can never have too much black ;). I love your long hair! I'm trying to grow mine out but it's taking such a long time!! And sometimes, I'd rather do something in math or science than the social sciences.... :/

hey hey hey!!! wait!!! give us a break please!!! we are like OMG look at her right now!! wowwww you are just amazing baby!!
we've been watching your outfits and :0 !! you have amazed us. (actually we have the H&M tee with the landscape, and u have gave us an idea to combine it so thank you sososo much! :D)ç
sooooooooooooo of course we add you to our favourites!!!!!
valentina and paula

the first shot is the best!!!! and the pants are too cool. thanks for your nice comments and i am adding you to my link list. obviously you have fantastic style :3

oh my god you look so beautiful!

who cares what people think - these pictures are gorgeous. so are those leather pants :)

really nice photos!! i love your stile, u're perfect even under a rainstorm!

You look truly stunning and your hair is so gorgeous!

SUCH a great outfit. seriously Sophia you look so cute here!!!!!!!!!!!

girl, youre style is AMAZING! really loving this whole rain photoshoot, and thanks for stopping by the blog, yours is pretty sweet:)

xx raez

ps. didnt get the shirt 'coz it wasn't black...haha, im very specific. and i think i could find a better one:P

love the rain, love your pant

Wow! This is gorgeous, and looks like a candid moment in everyday life. Love it!

August 28, 2009

I've been busy to tears lately so please do pardon the eye bags and the overall disheveled demeanor. On the plus side, the air was wondrous today. Yes, even the polluted city air. I breathed it all in. Don't be surprised if I wake up tomorrow with Black Lung.

I picked up this top at H&M after being blown away by the sunset and ocean print. I threw on some orange socks to bring out the orange in the shirt and topped it all off with my DIY spiked bag. OK, now I promise to go get some sleep. Zzz.
I've seen soooo many many kinds of studds.. but haven't seen one that big.. :)
Lovely bags!

anyway, just like the title of this post.. My best sunset is : at the roof-top of Taman Sari ruins in Jogjakarta,Indonesia..
You can see the wonderfull sunset while the houses down the street started to lit their lamps one by one. It look like there's a road toward the sunset.
It become more special because I had my BF with me. :)

P.S sorry for my poor English.. :'(

your bag is fantastic !

This tee you have is perfect to pair with anything :) LOVE all the colors being thrown together!

Girl,you look beautiful ! No worry about the eyebags and stuff. heeee

Ohhh my!! I've never thought that DIY studded bags could be dne like how you did yours ! Its even nicer than those normal sized studds :) Yours are really huge but its lovely !

Where did you get those huge studs from ??

that top fits you really well. and i really like that little sock detail. very cute :)

how long did it take you to grow your hair that long? i've been growing mine out for ages -.-

I found you via Chictopia and I gotta say I love your style! I'm adding you onto my blogroll! Can't wait to see what else you have in store~~

amazing heels and bag! love the shirt as well

Wonderful outfit!
I love your hair :)


I know I already commented this one on your Chictopia, but now I have to ask - where did you get studs that big? Actually, where do you buy studs in general?

denise bought the same top last week!! hehehehe. i looooveeeee how you wore orange socks with it.
and the giganticness of those studs is awesome :D

Wow, that bag is simply amazing!! Can't believe you did it yourself; I love the studs on the bottom.

oh man i need a bag like that

ahhhh still loving that bag. seirously amazing. i got the dress/tee toO!! I loooove it but you style it so cutely with the orange socks!!! I never would've thought of that haha

Wait, girl, how tall are you? I just noticed your dress goes to your mid-thigh. I bought a small and it hits right before my knees. I like your length a lot better!


August 26, 2009

Wearing my DIY fringe tights, a monochrome floral shirt and a bandage dress.

Congrats to Shini of Park & Cube! I'll be shipping the necklace to her. I know she'll rock it crazy. Mad respect for her.

Gorgeous outfit!! You look so happy and pretty! <3

Oh I guess it was too late, disregard my comment on the last post. But anyhow, I loooove your tights! Looking fierce girlie!


Adorable outfit!

Those tight are to die for !! Can I have one too pleseee ? Heeee LOL

Anyway,love that you belted the outfit and the print and your floral shirt is beautiful :)

tights are really cool! simple and nifty! :) simple basics always work, especially with such smart accesoires!cool!

Nice leggins great idea with it ;)

hello dear.. :)
i curently left a comment on your Chictopia blog, (asking how to make this DIY tights).. and if I didn't get it wrong, you told me to visit ur blog so u can gimme a tutorial.. :) and you also said tht u might be able to give away one too :)
i don't really know how this DIYgiveaway things work,dear..:'( am i suppose to do sumthin' to show u that i worth the giveaway?
in case i didnt get the giveaway,will you still teach me how to make this tights?

Thank you soooooo muuuccchhhh for telling me and being sooooo nice (approving my friend request) And i'm sorry to bother you with so many many Qs.. lol. :D

Only to let you know: I am dying right now...but at least I will die happy knowing Shini has the necklace.

Love your outfit!

wowwww i love this outfit!
can't believe you created these terrific tights, you're great sweetie!!!

I didn't notice the fringing in the first photo so I was all like "what fringe?" and then I scrolled down. You definitely know how to rock those tights!

oh wow, this outfit is incredible !! im in love with the fringe with the blazer . this is perfection . i mean it .... this is perfect!

I love the silhouette of this outfit.

the fringe tights are amazing. Amaaaazing

Those tights are absolutely perfect - I've never seen anything like them before! I love how they show movement so well, I want a pair!
Wish I was as DIY savy as you.
BTW, I love your blog, following!

everything goes so well together, the tights are fab!

you look stunning. I love the monochrome palette, the oversize shirt and print, and of course, the fringing!

AND now you have the same shirt as me! okay... this is getting a little weird! looks good though :D