August 12, 2009

Gold dress, tuxedo blazer, oversized bow on my head, Chanel in hand, and the night to be conquered!
I love this so much, the shininess from the dress, the adorable flats, and the giant bow really tops off the cuteness. Love it.

soo pretty!!!! the gold dress plus blazer = yesssss


they're gap flats but bought them a little over 2 years ago. they've held up until now!

soo cute! i like the long-ness of your blazer.
btw you have really nice skin O.O

the dress is stunning .you look so chic

Super chic! This somewhat reminds me of the song "Golden" by Jill Scott :)


sooooo gorgeous! i'm so glad you're back!
you look amazing!

so chic!

very cute! this entire outfit is so pulled together!

im taking ur pics to my blog :)
lovely outfit!

i think you're so beautiful ((:


i love this entire outfit!


June 30, 2009

While sparing details, the last several days can be easily summed up by IV caffeine, growing muffin tops, and adopting a polyphasic sleep schedule (alternating with a no-sleep schedule). Apparently polyphasic sleep is referred to as "napping in extreme situations" that the US Military, Canadian Marine Pilots, the Italian Air Force and NASA resort to in times of crisis and/or other extreme conditions. This makes me hardcore, right?

In other news, I've been able to make a few things too in between sleep and zombie-studying, one of them a spike hairband that I'm wearing in these photos. I love it so. I'm also sporting my new pair of favourite pants. They're faux leather and I think I want to live in them.

Wearing Deena & Ozzy quilted bag, Silence & Noise faux leather pants, H&M denim dress, DIY spike hairband

That headband plus that tunic makes you look like a bad-ass princess! Those pants are also to-die-for, they look great on you.

loving the contrast between the cuteness (?) of a headband and then the spikes, the fauxleather pants are aussssuum with those shoess...

pants and headband are amazing. ah how many times have i said i love your diys!?

i lvoe how the pants and the heels look like they are one . its nice.. oh man careful with the sleep make sure you get the right amount .. iwont elaborate but at somepoint lastyear i ended up in the hospital for lack of sleep

those leather pants look uber cool with those shoes

love the spikes on the headband paired with the metal chain of the bag.

i adore your headband.

omg faux leather pants is so hard to pull off and i think are super uncomfortable but you make them look soooo comfy..also that headband is so hardcore!! For a second there I thought your pants were connected to your shoes and i thought WOAH COOL.

the leather pants/boot combo look seamless like ur just wearling one big pair of pants w/ shoes on them i LOVE that!

nothing more stunning! they really elongate your legs too which makes it even better!

and i would DIE for your headband how freakin awesome! <3

hope ur well... enjoy your 4th of july xo
<3 <3

that shot of you walking looks so badass hehe :D sigh another one of your awesome diy creations, eh? soooo good

I luv ur pants and shirt!! Ver chic!! Jasna xx

this is perfect! love the leggings, shoes, dress & hairband, yes love it all!! :)

I love everyting about this outfit!!!!! loveeee it :)

looove the outfit! Gorgeous. Hope things are okay on your end...

xox, mavi

That dress is gorgeous, I love H&M!

You have an absolutely exquisite face, so unusual!

ooh I have a studded head band. I am totally going to post it on my blog!

p.s I love love your pants!

Those pair of pants are rad! And that spiked hair band! Divine! Great outfit!

I think if I have faux leather pants like yours, I would wanna live in them too!

Just discovered your blog btw, and I'm definitely following u! :)


The dress makes her look more beautiful.

Aubade lingerie

your blog is fantastic, i'm adding you to my blogroll ;)

June 28, 2009
I am alive and well. I'm still makings things and I'm still wearing clothes (haa) -- I just haven't had the time to document it the past week.

This is all because I have tragically metamorphosed into a test-taking monster (RAWR!) having taken 6 exams last week and studying for 3 more this week and another 3 more the week after. Don't feel bad for me, it's just I wanted to share the reason I've been a bit absent despite me thinking about blogging nearly every minute of my day.

To those who aren't filling in Scan-tron bubbles with #2 pencils this summer, please frolic in some fields, make some daisy headbands, splash your toes in cold lake water, bike in a vintage cruiser in a summer dress with a basket full of fresh hydrangeas for me. Then send me a postcard. It'll make me happy :o)

Lastly, the sweetie over at Green Zebra Studio featured me in her recent blog entry. Thanks!
hehehe you're so cute. good luck with your exams!!! i knew about the endo thing cause my boyfriend studies the same thing.

Oh I read that post! I must say, you really deserve that cause I also love following your blog because of your sense of style.

June 24, 2009

Very soon I'll be switching to a new D-SLR, the Nikon D90. I've been using an old D70 for all my shots and with its now-puny 6 megapixels, occasional fringing, moiré pattern effects, wacky white balance issues, and a microscopic LCD display, it's time to move on. My new camera, not only will offer 12.3 megapixels (Phosphene Fashion, now featuring Sophia's pores and sebaceous glands), but it has the added feature of digital video. Maybe some vlogging might be fun?

Not too sure why I even put together this entry. Maybe I just wanted to take another photo of my new favourite headband? Probably.
wow i wish i had a D90

heaheahe cuuuuuute
and duh your skin looks flawless okay even on a Hi-Def 100 inch screen Im sure your face is gonna be beautiful haha

yes yes yes vlogging would be the best :) :)

Love the headband...I've been wanting to get a new camera! I'm attached to my old one thouhg, hehe...


wooow, nice pic, cute boww!! your are very lucky love the camera!!

u so cute))..

June 24, 2009

This summer, Boston has been rather somber. Everything looks and feels unsaturated and slightly tinged with blue and gray. An umbrella and jacket have become staples to my summer outfits. As strange as it seems, I love it. The city is quieter and it allows me to be a bit more pensive. A large mug of coffee and some good music is really all I need on these kind of days.

Today comprised of exam taking, running about in the rain, making mock ups for a new idea, lots of coffee (IV caffeine anyone?), and the most delicious frozen yogurt ever.

Wearing men's sweater, bamboo jersey scarf, H&M bandage dress, H&M headband, opaque tights, and caged booties from eBay
This outfit is PERFECT! I am seriously in love with those boots, but the whole look is just amazing. I want a bandage dress badly, but fear they don't work on all body types!

it's all about how you style around it, amelia. plus, with your body type, it'll look amazing so don't be timid :)

Hey Sophia... I've been following your site and I love your posts. You're in Boston? Do you go to Harvard? I kind of thought it looks like the Harvard vicinity in your pictures. Just guessing for fun. See ya later!

that bow is adorable i love the scarf and those heels are amazing

sweet sweet sweet, I´m jealous.

this is gorgeous, i love your outfit!

i looovee the monotone grey in this outfit :D your headband is too damn cute :D

love the outfit and loveeee the bow!!!

so lovely.

A perfect cutie her look is.

Aubade lingerie

I added you to my link list. I am dumbfounded by your awesome style. (And carefully taking notes :)
