
February 1, 2011
I have to admit that this has been one of the few times I've had any desire to put extra effort into my outfit choices. Every other street has an abominable pile of snow to trek through and an abyss of slush to fall into. There is little reason to wear anything other than my scrubs, snow boots, and down jacket and stay home eating inhuman amounts of pizza and Cheetos. Apparently, Ms. Pizza-face cleans up nicely for the blog. Anyway, I've really been feeling grays, olives and creams when I'm not wearing my scrubs. It's not possible to mess up this color combination. Grab a brown thing, an olive thing, a white thing, a black thing, and voila, instant class.


Vintage wool coat, fisherman sweater from Shanghai, H&M skirt, shoes from Korea, YesStyle bag, Club Monaco leather gloves

GORGEOUS!! u are so stunning and definitely one of my inspirations. love this look! u r so NOT a pizza face...u look so fresh as always hehe :)



such a great outfit! I really love everything your wearing

You really are perfect in every way, pizza, cheetos, and all! hehe. Even in the most minimalistic of looks, you never fail to stand out and make a statement.



wow you look amazing...
i love your bag.... =)

wow great outfit
great outfit

Sophia, your outfits always hit the mark! Love the olive colour of that skirt. And are they pockets I spy? Skirts with pockets are always a winner.

you look amazing. i love the outfit. and these are such nice shots.
need a bag like that
thanks for sharing
have a great day



No idea how you do that, but you always look amazing! And no pizza-face in sight...! :o)
Love this outfit!


Ah, I love everything about this! The coat is so well-tailored, and your boots are so perfect! Also love the color combination here. Lovely!

looove it! every single bit of it :)


This is amazing!

the sweater is really stunning. so feminine. I really like the bag as well. very original one.

yey yer backkkkkkkkkk

your style is made for streetstyle photos, if that makes any sense :) loving this timeless and classy outfit.

You look stunning dear! <3

Love this color palette!

Oh spring... I seriously have a list of outfits to wear for when the ground isn't covered in snow. Seems so far away!

The best colors for winter from my point of view :) Or I just prefer browns and grays in winter too?

hey girl. just saw you liked the vintage sequin jacket from Nana in Wonderland. She got it from us and if you want one of your own come check out our website! Email us and we'll hook you up with a coupon code for your first purchase!!!

love your blog@!



this look it's absolute perfetcion! love the colors, the shapes... everithing!

you look lovely! great outfit, love your coat and shoes. your bag too. maybe everything else too.

grey and olive fits so perfectly!!!
I love, I love, I love!!!
It´s always a pleasure to visit your blog.




Love the colors of this outfit!!
Great continuation
Kiss from France

i love the whole outfit!!!!

and the bag is amazing!!



Your blog is.....WONDERFUL!

all your outfits are amazing too!

i follow you!!!


Wow your blog is STUNNING. And your style is wonderful. BTW, pizza and cheetos sound effing amazing too. Following you doll.


This just popped up on my tumblr and I find it hard to believe I've never been on your blog before! This look has so many elements I love - perfect gray coat, amazing bag, an incredible sweater, BAG...

You look incredibly chic. Your bag reminds me of Vanessa Bruno!


Everything! From head to bottom. So natural and harmonious. Wait you.


Saulė xoxo

amazing mix!! love your coat!!



I absolutely love your style! So effortlessly chic!

great outfit! love the color combination!


Sophia, your outfit inspires, even on the dreariest of Boston days....weeks....and months....

I love the bag and hope to hear of a Celine update soon! I went to buy one of the luggage shoppers as a birthday present to myself today and they only have that mustard color left! So sad!

that bag is incredible! is it the brown one? the brown one on yesstyle looks so much darker. love your blog!

Great pics, perfect for this Boston weather, I really like how you detail each of your photos with pop up info. That's very cool, great blog, can't wait to see more, thanks for posting.

found your blog through a tumblr post with prada shoes! your bag here is also amazing!i just searched yesstyle.com but it unfortunately doesn't deliver to europe.and your shoes are also lovely.ok i think i have to visit korea for shopping!

as a korean america, i'm really pleased to hear that your beautiful shoes are from korea. and the gray jacket looks very warm and classic- truly minimalistic. it looks so warm, especially for these recent snowfalls in the northeastern region!

I LOVE your style. Amazing!!!!

love that you shop internationally. great finds in shanghai and korea


January 15, 2011
Crappy hair day means HATS! I love how the snow looks in these photos. If only fresh snowfall remains this beautiful. I probably wouldn't mind Boston winters as much.


F21 hat, H&M blouse, vintage Burberry blazer, vintage leather shorts, H&M camel coat, Zara boots, YesStyle bag

Love it! How did you manage to stuff a jacket inside your coat? That's always a problem for me in the winter. Maybe I should buy more vests...

@ koko // res pulchrae

i buy coats that are generous around the shoulders and upper arm, because i know i'll end up layering. ideally, when you put a new coat on, you should be able to flex your arms forward (really, a nice range of motion) without it pinching too much.

@ Anon Boston!
@ Anon


oh man the double lapels! so cute in that last pic sophia!!

I love all the layering in your outfit! Fabulous!

I really adore this outfit, and the layering is fantastic! Haha I wear hats on bad hair days too x

Amazing again! I adore your little hat! So lovely!



What a lovely little hat! And very lovely photos and what LOVELY snow!! I have never seen snow :(


you are so adorable! LOVE ur hat! :)


So much to love about this outfit! Lucky you had the hat to protect you from that falling snow! haha

so cute and chic!!

-Big Hair and Bikinis-

Beautiful pictures and a beautiful outfit! :o)


lovely with the hat!
fab coat!


such gorg pictures. and the color tones in this outfit are just so perfect


I love hats...even when I'm not having a bad hair day.

Loevely! ;)) outful!


nice outfit. Also if this a crappy hair day i wish my hair looked this good on all MY crappy hair days

Come check out my beauty trends for spring/summer 2011 it is a kick! Also it is informative looool it's an informative kick


come to see my blog:

Lovely. x

You're so cute! I love your leather shorts and boots.

What lovely photos. I wish I could see some snow!

great classical outfit <3

OH looking good woman!

xoxo M


great outfit, all the pieces go together really well and i am in love with you shoes! i need to get more hats for my crappy hair days :P

Fashion Bag 411

really cool outfit :)
follow me on www.miikax3.blogspot.com
and facebook :)

I love your style! and I totally agree with you about the below asos post. I hadn't looked on their site in over a year and now it's so amazing!

You have a wonderful blog! I really like your style!

I am honored if you like my blog too.

raisa h.

I love ur blog!! ;)

FANTASTIC OUTFIT♥ add to followers ;)


January 13, 2011
I'm probably not the only one who has accumulated a rhinestone here and a chain there from broken jewelry over the years. Oftentimes, I just store broken pieces that I believe have potential to be re-worked in the future in a junk box. Today, I re-worked a broken vintage rose brooch and a cuff that my sister made for me. The brooch was tarnished and the pin backing was all mangled. After ripping off the pin backing with pliers, I sandpapered the surfaces of the cuff and the pin that I wanted to glue together. The roughened surfaces takes the JB Weld material better. JB Weld is a very easy-to-use cold welding technique, and works by thoroughly mixing equal portions of 2 pastes together. Mixing the two together sets off a base-catalyst reaction. To do the mixing, anything disposable is good to use. I used a tongue blade (thick popsicle stick) here. Finally, I applied the mixed paste to both surfaces, and let set for 6 hours. Bam! There you have it--a simple project to re-vamp your broken and neglected jewels with the super easy cold welding technique. If this DIY were any easier, it'd be a crime. Can't wait to wear this with a stack of other cuffs and bracelets!
Do you study jewelery design?

beautiful! x


i haven't studied jewelry design. just experimenting :)

It's great. But I wont to study in Glasgow, or Saint Martins school.Can't decide))

Wow that's awesome! I can never bring myself to throw out broken jewellry, but then I always forget about it and do nothing with it, you've inspired me to investigate and maybe DIY myself!


How cute! I'm in love with your blog. Seriousl...
How cute!
I'm in love with your blog. Seriously.


Miss, this is such a wonderful idea! You did such a great job on this. I'm no inspired to go through all my bits and pieces and see if there is anything I can salvage!


Oh pretty!! Those pieces look like they were meant to go together! I am a fairly crafty person too and never throw out any broken jewellery, for christmas I had a glue gun so will def be doing more revamping with broken pieces!

Daisy Dayz Home
Cross-Jones-Photography Home

very cute!!! LOVE your blog!! =)

ooh great idea! yay more DIY posts please

yay for the bracelet. looks a lot prettier now with your addition :)

wow, wonderful! I've never heard of cold welding, I need to look into that! I like to glue beach glass to broken ring backs :)

Happy weekend!

Such skill!



thanks for the diy tip! i'm a diy jewelry enthusiast and i'm crazy about http://www.ulinxjewelry.com/designer.php. I make my own unique jewelry designs with easy clickable, mix and match magnetic studs. brings out my creativity!

Freshwater pearls can be used to make unique pieces.

Freshwaters Pearls

January 11, 2011
Having not shopped from ASOS in years (if I recall correctly, the last time was in 2007?) and under the false pretense that I had long outgrown their offerings, I was shocked when I found myself drooling over their entire White line (the other stuff, eh, still not so much). Just wow--they have come a long way since their "As Seen on Stars" days. I need me some classy silk, cashmere, and wool pieces. Wardrobe makeover, please.
those are lovely!
and haha, I shop for jeans at wet seal still, because of my short legs and because they're cheap ;)

That olive trench is really something.

Those first two skirts are fantastic.

LOVEE all of these looks! so amazing! :)


Yes, ASOS has definitely changed from their "as seen on stars" days -- for the better, for sure. I really do think they have something to suit everyone's taste. And the quality seems nice, too!

It is all so simple yet so striking and gorgeous!



I love White line too. I got one amazing dress from their current collection. I absolutely adore it!

haha I think they still do have those lame punk t-shirts, but at least now they offer a much more diverse range of labels. Their White line is just full of stunners!

OH MY! these are some AMAZING pieces. i fell in love with the white jacket. it's so chic.
thanks so much for sharing darling.
hope you're having a wonderful week so far

Love the white label asos do, i drool over it all the time esp love the white/gret coat in the bottom photo :) x

I would have never guessed that this would come out of Asos. The last piece is drool material :)

love the looks :)amazing photos
hope u check out my blog
follow me on:

You should see what's coming for SS11, Margiela type pieces, Celine-esque and even more ASOS White + Black... I think you'll love.

agreed, this is awesome

these colors are absolutely fantastic!

finally hatachi

I heard they have a US site now too, which is nice because I've gotten used to free shipping here in the UK. ASOS has definitely managed to rebrand and branch out trend-wise, it's pretty awesome.

Hahaha, I remember their As Seen On Stars days too! They sure have come a long way, the WHITE collection's my favourite too. At first I thought it was just a new brand they were selling called White, I didn't think they could actually make stuff like this too! :) (So happy they did though)

They do have stuff that looks awesome and is made out of what you want. I've discovered them just a couple of years ago, and they seem pretty the same to me.

alexandra @

All looks are AMAZING, indeed! I'm in love with the orange and yellow combo!!! OMG!!! I NEED IT!!!


I do remember "as seen on stars" period. was really impressed by this line myself. fun to see you sharing the same emotions on ur blog as well.

January 3, 2011
I said "awww" out loud when I stumbled upon Mandy Coon's velvet "ginny bunny bag" on the Opening Ceremony site. Does anyone else have the urge now to take one of their beloved stuffed animals, add a zipper and chain, and throw it over their shoulders? Anyone?? Just like in our days of infancy when it was hard to part ways with our "blankie", now we don't have to part with our favorite stuffed toy. In fact, put your wallet and phone inside :)
I want! x
I want!


Aww bunny! I don't think I could DIY one out of my favourite childhood toys though. I'd feel like I was maiming it or something haha.

I don't know - the fact that none of my toys are finished in matte washed leather/black velvet is probably a bit of a deterrent. It's a neat idea for incorporating a bit of kawaii/kitsch into an outfit, though. You could work it!

I would carry it most proudly through the streets

fantastic photos. and that is such a cute bunny. me want too ..

Super cute! I love how they are black leather :)

If I could turn my childhood totoro into something that wasn't distressingly cute I would. I remember seeing Mary-Kate Olsen carrying this bag and loved it. http://www.scumbagclothing.com/bags/mary-kate-olsens-cat-bag/

Sooo cool!

Lovely blog! Following! Follow back? <3

Initially these seemed kinda ridiculous to me but the more I've seen them on blogs the more I've started to come around. Maybe their ridiculousness is exactly why they are great? Happy New Year


I used to have a dog bag ,almost like this one ! They're so cute!

alexandra @

wow these are so great! definitely want!

I love your blog and style! This bag is awesome, not sure if I could pull it off but props to anyone who can!

Cheers from a fellow Bostonian blogger! -Julie

super cutee!

Really cool blog!!!

I have a giveaway on my blog about my fashion illustrations.

You can choose beetwen a fashion illustration about you or new header to your blog!