
December 31, 2010
This is probably one of last chances to squeeze in a post before 2010 comes to an end. These were taken before the big blizzard hit Massachusetts. I'm finding that I've accumulated quite a backlog of "outfit post" photos on my laptop that never make it onto the blog. And there are reasons. Reason one is not having enough hours in the day after school and clinic to post. Reason two is I get bored. Let me explain the latter a little more. After a few days have passed, I find the content already feels old. Bloggers, do any of you feel the same? Trends come and go so quickly, and there's just so much content out there, I sometimes feel that what I wore only a day ago is only nanometers from being redundant and one post closer to trend-overkill in the blogosphere (dun dun dun, so melodramatic). Perhaps the answer is to not overthink this stuff and POST! Perhaps a side resolution for 2011 is to wipe my style slate clean and just do my thing. Cheers! I really want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! :)


Zara fur vest, Zara blouse, F21 paints, Zara leather boots, Chanel bag

I think I've mentioned before but those boots are awesome. I really like olive/military green too.

i miss yer outfit photos1 morepower love!

super cute! love this outfit :)


I love the boots. :D


I love how you've styled that vest. It's an item that has the potential to be "too much" but you're wearing it perfectly!

I know where you're coming from re: noise and content. Sometimes I feel much the same.

Anyway, all the best for 2011, and I'll see you on the other side of the new year!

Beautiful vest! I love how simple and chic this is!



Just a few months ago when I started my blog I thought it would be all about my personal style, whithout much of current trends... But the truth is that being a blogger, you simply can't ignore them, sooner or later blogging turns you into a fashion monster... which I HATE and LOVE at the same time! :o)
Enough! Most of all, just wanted to say you look AWESOME as always!


Gorgeous gorgeous outfit! I love the fur :)

Char x

have a wonderful new year dear ;)

i love your blog. this outfit is absolutely fantastic. you're stunning.
happy new year dear

I love this outfit, and I never find your outfits to be overly trendy or repetitive. So please, post the older photos!

Happy new year!

Fantastic vest!

Your look is always the best! Valeria

Ah! The wicked boots! :-)

Those boots are beauties. Been looking for the perfect pair myself...


November 16, 2010
A mini collage of what's been sitting on my desktop for a few days now. The camel and red combination is like a match made in color heaven. The pleating is also tempting me to whip out some sheer fabric in rich hues and start knife pleating away. The boxy denim is something I didn't really feel at first glance, but the shape and simplicity is striking. I'd love to take that outfit and give it a more feminine spin, possibly with a black silk ribbon in my hair, a grosgrain brooch, and other girly touches. Then there's Aymeline in her biker chic look that is just cool, cool, cool--the white cuffed trousers look so natural here. Finally, the tucked in shirt collar is perfect. And that's your inspiration du jour!
Fabulous inspiration!



i've been really into this type of style lately too! Have you checked out ShapeShiftr? Some of their clothing looks like this, and even at American Apparel right now you can find really awesome sheer maxi skirts in that wine color!

LOVe! :]]]


Great pics!


i think that's like the 20th time i've seen that chick in camel and red. she certainly is everywhere!

Yes! I looove red + camel, great colour combo :)

in love with the first, that knit is awesome!

I love the new trend: maxiskirts! :D


oh i love all of these <3

these styles on your post are totally my favorite,xoxo

omg!!! yes.. im so going to try that red and camel color combination!!!!! so lush~

Animated Confessions

these styles on your post are totally my favorite,xoxo

keep up the awesome writting in the new blog!

love these looks! <3


hey, i invite you to participate on my giveaway!

Those first two have been occupying my thoughts a little too much lately. All great inspiration!

I Love the brown jumper x

refined biker chic is mine, still looking for hte perfect biker jacket, long may the search last for the holy grail :) red and camel is a bit used alraedy, or maybe i am just having too much time on my hands and reading too many fashion magazines and blogs. pink and red, now that's a fresh combo ;)


Amazing! KISS!

Love the combination of red and camel!

red and camel is so beautiful together!

November 7, 2010
Just me practicing my side step jump. Autumn time in Boston just makes people want to be merry and jump around in leaves and stuff. What I'm wearing is just for practicality and function--warm layers, flat boots for easy walking aannnd that's really it.


Zara boots, H& coat, H&M robe, black dress, YesStyle bag

love your blog!

You should see if your local community college has a pattern cutting short-course! I heard they could be very cheap ;) I love how merry you look, makes me want to embrace autumn...but oh look, WE HAVE NONE. London fail.

Can't believe that coat is from H&M, you make it look super expensive.

Winfrid Aldrich does a great beginners pattern cutting book. Also there's an amazing pattern cutting book called Pattern Magic which does super cool avant garde Japanese style silhouettes. I've just started a fashion design / pattern cutting degree and am just getting to know how to manipulate basic blocks. It's very technical but very satisfying once you figure stuff out.


absolutely lovely! :)


how will you ever find time what with your romping around in jungle-themed scrubs?

since it's fall, how 'bout some knitting? you can make (me) a fancy chunky cashmere sweater. i've always been curious about those Twinkle by Wenlan knitting books...

but by all means, post your "boring" outfits in the meantime!

p.s. your "FAQ" page isn't linking? i wanted to know what camera your loyal paparazzi uses, i'm in the market for a new one.

i'm also hoping to learn more about designing and making clothes. i can bet i'm more of a noob than you are! loving the new layout btw, and your jumping of course

You're so cute!
I was just wondering, is that camel coat cashmere? Because when I was in H&M a few weeks ago I saw a camel cashmere coat and I was just wondering if it was the same one. It looks perfect!

love the action shots!!!! and that bag is just amazing! :D

Animated Confessions

Great classic look! It's awesome that you're branching out into new things. There are things that I always tell myself I'll learn how to do, but keep putting off. It's so rewarding when you finally take that step!

Love these photos! love that you are branching out sometimes i think its hard on a blog once u get into a routine. i havent tried this book, the one i use is very old and unfort the new version of it is not as well laid out. have you tried buying patterns for certain dresses and working from that? i find the instructions that come with them much easier to understand. :) x

Love the look of the boots! And your side jump is actually quite good! I need to try that haha

I love your coat. My favorite style for cold days is layers and boots, it's simple but looks great.

I wish our leaves looked as pretty as yours! They're all damp here from the rain. :( What a lovely mixture of contrasting neutrals. ♥

Yay! Can't wait to see what will you come up with in the near future!
This coat is simply fantastic! :o)


Such a cute pic and I absolutely LOVE this outfit!

these styles on your post are totally my favorite,xoxo

i learn from your style! for example, i never thought mixing brown and black was okay but you make it beautiful!

hello love. I totally understand what u mean. it's good fun, but can become redundant...but as soon as u stop doing it...you want to do it again. At least that's the case for me!
I have zero pattern drawing skills. It sorta scares me! it's like that section of the dat where you have to reconstruct a 3d object from a 1 D oragami-ish picture.
But I feel it's really worth the investment to learn how to.
it's the most rewarding feeling in the world to create something on ur own...and actually be able to wear it.
keep us in the know with ur progress!!!


great shot dear

lovely shots dear..love your outfit too

i love that bag!

love the mood of these photos, along with the brown/black combo!

She's so wonderful. I like her smile.

great coat!

You look so beautiful in these photos! Love the coat!:)

Hi! my name is Suzanne and i'm currently studying Fashion&branding in Amsterdam. You might be interested in a challenge that I'm starting tomorrow:


It's a project where around 20 people from all around the globe who are directly linked with fashion, stop buying clothing & accessories (so also no underwear & socks) for a year!! You can follow our ups and downs as we have different assignments throughout the year as well,

well I hope you find it interesting! For more info check the website


Wow cute !!! Coat and bag llok awsome! Great blog!

I love that coat, I have the same one and I wear it nonstop

thx sharing,i do agree with your point about fashion

Wow, you look great. I really like your pictures and your blog. Hope you'll become a follower of my blog too?


Gorgeous outfit !
You look amazing

I love jumping photos. They are so much fun to do. Great outfit.

these shots are so wonderful. so much joy in them. adore the colour in your photos.
and the outfit is great
hope you're having a good weekend

beautiful coat!

super cute coat!

This comment has been removed by the author.

your photos and style are fantastic! so glad I found your blog.


i love these black leather action shoes

great look, following u now!:)


merry xmas cutie!

November 1, 2010
I had no costume this year and wasn't planning on one either, except I got a last minute call. I ran to my closet to look for something passable, only to find a tutu and lots of leather. So I ran to the local iParty for some cat ears and tail, then threw on an H&M black leather top, American Apparel skirt, black tights and some random boots. I definitely won't be getting any points for creativity, but at least I didn't show up in my school clinic scrubs saying "heyyyy, I'm a doctor!" I don't like half-assing stuff, but this will just have to suffice. Wishing everyone a safe and happy Halloween!
looking cuteeeee and pretty!!!

Happy Halloween to you too! You look so cute!


happy halloween!!! :D

Animated Confessions

I was PLANNING on going out, but school and laziness got the best of me. *le sigh*
Cute costume, dahhling!

you are the cutest!

This is amazing! You are too adorable!

omg so cute! love this :)


Even if this is your half-assed attempt, it's adorable! I lovelovelove :)

I just found your blog and really love it!!


you looked really great :)

i think you make a wonderful cat!

You actually look really cute in this outfit, even if it was a last minute thing - kudos!


Happy halloween you too ;)

in the last photo you have the look that cats get in photos; "what you looking at". haha

Totally cute. I took the bloody option and ruined my fur coat in the process. Hope you had fun.


you r so cute ~


been going through your past blog posts! you take incredible pics!!!!

any ears and some sort of tail are the go to last minute costume! cute!


lovely! NEW GIVEAWAY ON NobodyKnowsMarc!! http://n...
NEW GIVEAWAY ON NobodyKnowsMarc!!

charming~~ gorgeous~~ black cat girl~~

This is amazing! You are too adorable!

gorgeous! you are the cutest!

October 28, 2010
I'm fairly certain that today was one of the prettiest days in Boston (mid-70s at the end of October, what?). Of course, we forgot our camera at home so we were stuck with phone photos instead. Only days ago I installed a photo editing app which applies pretty sweet polaroid and toy camera effects to the phone photos. Perfect timing to give it a whirl. Who needs a DSLR now? ;)


Salvatore Ferragamo Vara shoes, H&M shirt, F21 faux leather jacket

i love these!

Love this! Who cares if they're cellphone pics? Amazing :) I'm lovin' those flats too, like, a ridiculous amount. I'd steal them, but I have tiny feet. Darnit!

It was beyond beautiful in Boston today! Great photos!

hehe, yes, i've used a program called Poladroid before - except on my laptop it gave everything a greenish, alien tint.

love those shoes!! they're on my endless wishlist but, along with the classic Chanel flats, i've been putting off purchasing because i know they'll always be around.

I seriously thought these were real film photos! They turned out wonderfully well. I need a better phone so I can download cool apps like this haha.

these are great pictures

Wow, what a great camera on your phone! Amazing, technology these days.

if you have an android phone you should try out vignette!! the lite version only allows you to take small pictures (very small...) but the full version is cheap and there are toooooooooons of effects like that. :D

sometimes i think disposable cameras do a wonderful job, so why not phone cameras? ;) loving the varas, too. hope you're well!!

Those are such awesome photos for being taken on a phone! I love the setting and the composition. They're so composed but candid at the same time.

It would be good if my cell phone can take some photos like these!

such cute photos! i love this! :)


hahah i agree! i love my smartphone. probably way too much. i have a photoshop app on mine as well that allows me to manipulate brightness/contrast/etc! I went from a half bb (the pearl) to the iphone and it BLEW MY MIND. like literally. changed my life. do i sound crazy? maybe.
i think these look totally rad. maybe i'll google a polaroid app for my phone too. and COPY YOU!!! BWAHAHAH!
have a great weekend and a spooky halloweeeeeen!

the docks by the charles is one of my favorite spots in the summer. :)

wow, its just a great effect. a change form slr.
Am impressed how this set turned out! Much better than holgas and polaroids.

precious moments.. this images are fabulous :)

I was convinced these were real polaroids! I need an app like that on my phone!


Inspired shots. So glad I just spent all my money on a new DSLR when I can achieve much hipper results with my phone:) It's nice to be reminded how lovely the weather was last week when it is so dreary today.


Although I do agree with your post, I have my own reservations

pretty pictures!

glad i bumped into your blog


I always love the way you dress and particulary the mood in your blog. Everytime a pleasure. You're so lovely ! Nice, nice, nice !
Can you tell something about my photographs ?

Looove the outfit! Are your flats from salvatore ferragamo? so perfect and beautiful!