So um, I'm in Florida and very homesick. The change in environment was exciting for a few short days, but I'm starting to think I'm a creature of comfort. I miss my simple home in the city, breathing polluted city air, my juicer in the kitchen, the early morning rays of sunshine across my white bedroom. I could go on with an exhaustive list. SOMEONE SAVE MEEEEEE . . . or mail me a survival package while I'm here!

Onto positive thoughts. There are actually some very charming things about where I am. The long highway drives are soothing, the spontaneous downpours are magnificent, and little frogs and lizards live on your front porch. I also spent my birthday here and picked up a classic pair of Salvatore Ferragamo Varas and munched on some chocolate coated strawberries. All positive things right?

Counting down the days to a more sane me.
Omg,that food looks delicous! and great shoes :D

StopAndStareStyle = my super-duper fashion & style blog :D COMMENT,FOLLOW,READ & ENJOY! :D

It's so great to read you again!
Yeah, change of the environment can be harsh! Find those little things that are making you happy, enjoy them and then they'll add up and little by little you'll find yourself in a lot more happier place!
And those strawberries look sooooo delicious!

Those Varas are addictive, I started off with one pair and then couldn't resist more colours. Such a classic and unbelieavably comfortable! Hope you had a fantastic birthday and hopefully more fun in Florida soon!

Cute pics;)

yay for the shoes !
they're one of the most comfortable flats i've ever worn !! i got the exact same ones as u too ;)

Love the flats, they're timeless!

I have lived in florida my whole life and I just want to leave already to New the flats

Awww... these strawberries are to die for, hopefully I can recreate them at home! :o)


yummy post... i like getting away for a while, especially when it makes you realize how much you LOVE home

YUUM. both the chocolats and the shoes!

xxx kissmequick

yum, cupcakes !

aaahhhh chocolate covered strawberries!!!! haven't had those in a while.. :D

Animated Confessions

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so homesick! But well, fortunately there's things like shoes & sweets to help you through it, right :)? Hope you enjoyed your birthday!

I ADORE my Ferragamos. They help me get over homesickness all the time. And chocolate is always the number 1 medicinal help for anything. Hope you feel better soon and that you had a fabulous birthday!

Hi Sophia! I just moved to a new country and I totally know what you mean! I used to think moving was so much fun when I was younger and now I think that as I get older I am more reluctant to change. I hate that it sometimes affects my perspective of my current surroundings but I think it's getting better with time!

Take your time getting adjusted and know that your readers are here to encourage you! :)


i have a similar pair :]
those strawberries look DELICIOUS


Oh, miss you and your outfit post...

Those chocolate coated strawberries look so yummy!

Those shoes look so nice and well made! The strawberries look good too :D

Aw glad that you're able to see the bright side too! Those shoes and chocolate are both divine. xo

Wait you were supposed to get cupcakes too. Did you get those?

And come home! We should go get Pho Hoa :)

such awesome and im quite hungry now

i want to taste taste that chocolate

THAT FLAT is so classic..i wanna them

yummy yummy hope my bf can make them :p

loving the shoes and loving those sweet treats! x

wayyy too cute chocolates!


do check out my 1st giveaway & be sure to enter!

après visite sur votre blog, je ne chose que vous êtes totalement un blogueur super haute couture

Those chocolates look divine <3.

Love the shoes, so amazing!! And the chocolate looks amazing! Love your blog btw :)

love your blog

checkout my shoppingblog

mmm! looks so good! both the shoes & strawberries
new post! come see!

I've definitely had those chocolate-covered strawberries sent to me via my bf before. They are the most delicious things ever created! :)

Consider stopping by and entering my contest!

Aww, make the best of it since you're gonna miss it once you leave. Even if it is dull now.

cant believe i only just found your blog.

Glad you're back Sophia, was starting to think you had disappeared. Try to enjoy Florida while it lasts, home will still be there when you return. x

I hope you start to feel better about your living situation. What are you doing in Florida? Just visiting? I have a pair of Varas myself and I don't know what I would do without them. They are classic! So happy you posted, I miss your posts!

compliments for your blog, it's amazing!
you have so much creativity!

good things? i'm your new follower! ;)

visit my blog please ;)

Totally perfect for your current life-state. Congrats on your move and I hope it is a dream!

Hello there, my name is Heidy Kalalo and I'm from Indonesia.
I just stumbled across your blog and I really love it!! :D
please do feel free to check out mine,'coz I've featured you as my August muse..=)

hope you'll like it!

Wow strawberries look amazing, can you send me some!

Daisy Dayz Home
Cross-Jones-Photography Home
Daisy Dayz Day Zero Challenge

love the flat!


I love how Ferragamo shoes make feet look, they make them sort of narrow and elegant. Great post how can i not love everything?

hi, just discovered you blog, love it :)

ням - ням!!))

Hugs from Venezuela.
Check our work:

so maybe it is my fault to see your blog in the middle of night because now I'm seriously hungry!

i don know which i love most chocolate or that pair of flat

i could die for those chocolate. yummy yummy

omg.. yummy!!

Check out my fashion illustrations at Illustrated Moodboard = )

love the shoes. such a classic.
Enter to win a bottle of Chanel nail polish from the Les Khakis collection!

Just came across your blog, I love it!

1. I miss your eloquent posts.
2. Hang in there, darling.
3. Sexy shoes- I feel you.

Florida is a good place
i also dream to be there

My mom has a closet full of ferragamos that she never wears, but she's size 6 and I'm size 9 so I just have to look at them with sadness. Those are adorable and the chocolate covered strawberries are mouthwatering.
These Colored Shadows.

Gorgeous blog!!

And please, - MAKE ME STYLISH!

Mmmm those strawberries look good, I'm really drooling over my computer here...

wow beautiful shoooes, love them so much!


mmm que ricos! preciosa en la foto! como siempre;)
besitos desde España

nice flats.

classy flats

you always have good taste love

nice flats and good looking and yamy choc!

great pics!

super cute shoes.

After seeing your pic I think I'm gonna eat some chocolate!

chocolate and black middle-heeled-shoes~~ girl best love things`