
Ah, busy days filled with equal parts staring into Illustrator and my terminal. I gave my poor tired eyes a break with a quiet coffee break. It's funny how just a cup of chai or a pourover can completely reset my brain. The collared shirt, sweater, jeans, and loafers has been the go-to look of late. Super easy to slip on, run to a few meetings, before cranking out some wireframes and code. I could wear permutations of this until forever.
Happy weekend lovelies!
Estes dias estaba mirado mitad del tiempo a Illustrator y mitad del tiempo a la terminal. Para dejar los ojos cansados que se descansan, fui a tomar cafe. Tan facil es poner el mente de cero con un chai o pourover. Los ultimos dias, mi ropa diaria consta de un cuello camisa, un sueter, los jeans, y unos loafers. Sencillo, attractivo, y perfecto para negocios, programar, o hacer wireframes. Si fuera necesario podria llevar versiones de esta ropita hasta siempre.
¡Feliz fin mis lectores!
H&M sweater, H&M shirt, UO jeans, Chloe loafers, Ray-Ban Wayfarers, Fabulous Fanny glasses, Zara bag, Moleskine planner, Muji pen